Practical D.O.P.E. for Long-Range Rifle Shooting
Top 10 22 Rifles for 2025
Ruger American Rimfire Talo Exclusive 8359 22 LR
For the rifleman, there is nothing that soothes the soul and brightens the day like a good-quality 22 bolt-action rifle. For the serious rifleman who hunts with a centerfire rifle, the 22 offers alternative training options and makes for a fine small-game rifle. Some shooters realize a more expensive rifle may be needed for precision work and small-game shooting, and an adult-size stock for an adult makes sense. This bumps the price up over the simple $200 bolt gun.
Springfield Armory Model 2020 Rimfire Classic Rifle BARC92022GAA 22 LR
For the rifleman, there is nothing that soothes the soul and brightens the day like a good-quality 22 bolt-action rifle. For the serious rifleman who hunts with a centerfire rifle, the 22 offers alternative training options and makes for a fine small-game rifle. Some shooters realize a more expensive rifle may be needed for precision work and small-game shooting, and an adult-size stock for an adult makes sense. This bumps the price up over the simple $200 bolt gun.
Taurus Expedition 3-EXP308181 308 Winchester
Several major manufacturers are producing new firearms totally outside their normal niches, examples of which include the new Expedition rifle from Taurus and the new CBX Tac Hunter, a bolt gun from Colt.
Colt CBX TAC Hunter CBX-SP20PGA-308 308 Winchester
Several major manufacturers are producing new firearms totally outside their normal niches, examples of which include the new Expedition rifle from Taurus and the new CBX Tac Hunter, a bolt gun from Colt.