American Tactical Announces $50 Customer Rebate
Davidson’s Introduces Exclusive NRA Edition Ruger 10/22 Takedown
SIG Sauer Offers Buy One Get One Free 1911 Promotion
Working the AR-15 Successfully
Remington 597 Stainless HB TVP No. 80852 22 LR, $595
In the April 2012 issue, Gun Tests magazine tested three semi-automatic rimfire rifles that showed promise of being more than just plinkers. They were the $325 Savage Arms model 64 TR SR V Savage, CZ-USA's $465 model 512, and the $595 Remington 597 TVP. Following is an excerpt from that test, used with permission:
American Gunsmith: Making The M1 Carbine Work Again
Pressed into service more than 50 years ago, the M1 Carbine is coming home again and often needs a gunsmith's attention.
Benelli Super Nova Tactical No. 29155 Pump-Action 12 Gauge, $559
We compared four 12-gauge pumpguns in in the October 2013 issue. They were the Benelli Super Nova Tactical No. 29155 pump-action 12 Gauge, $559, and the recently introduced Stevens Model 320 Home Defense No. 19495, $270; the CZ Model 612 Home Defense No. 06520, $290; and the CZ Model 612 HC-P No. 06510, $349.
At a reader's request, we selected several new models of self-defense shotguns that carry low to moderate price tags and pitted them against one of the popular veteran self-defense shotguns to see how they would perform.