
Texas DPS investigates CCL instructorwho won’t teach course toObama supporters, Muslims

The Texas Department of Public Safety has begun an investigation into a central-Texas concealed-carry-instructor who said in a recent radio advertisement that he wouldn’t teach the handgun course to a “socialist liberal,” people who voted for the “current campaigner-in-chief,” or to a “non-Christian Arab or Moslem.”

Ruger Red Label Engraved No. KRL-1227-BRE 3-Inch 12 Gauge

Gun Tests magazine recently tested the all-American Ruger Red Label engraved model, marketed as a general-purpose model suitable for hunting and casual clays use. In more detail, it was a 3-inch-chamber 12 gauge that would likely be the most expensive shotgun 95% of us might own. The Ruger Red Label Engraved No. KRL-1227-BRE 3-Inch 12 gauge lists at $2180. Video: LaRue Tactical hosts presidential candidate Perry

We're not endorsing Gov. Rick Perry for president, but it is certainly refreshing to see an executive choosing a different kind of recreation besides golf. advertiser LaRue Tactical hosted Perry recently for a little sniper-rifle shooting.

Remington 597 SS 22 LR

The 22 autoloading rifle is an American icon. Many a youngster had one for his first rifle, and while they may not be ideal for that service, they are unquestionably handy rifles for any serious outdoorsman. They can also be excellent training pieces for just about anyone interested in serious shooting. So Gun Tests Magazine found a Remington 597 SS with stainless barrel and synthetic stock ($283) at a local gun shop. Video: FPS Russia Fires the Minigun

The Minigun is a 7.62 mm, multi-barrel heavy machine gun with a high rate of fire (2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute), employing Gatling-style rotating barrels with an external power source. FPS Russia shoots one in the video here.

New Traditional and Modern Full-Power Chiappa .45-70 Carbines

( -- Chiappa Firearms is introducing two new .45-70 lever action carbines for 2011. These new carbines can safely fire full-power modern era ammunition or traditional era correct .45-70 loads.

Basic How-To Advice For Beginning Shotgun Work

There's something about shotguns that brings out the worst in otherwise knowledgeable people. A vast majority of shooters don't even know how to get and keep barrels clean and shiny. Even fewer have any idea about shotgun sights and their use. Still, solving these and other problems are intimidating to the novice, yet there is nothing to most of the jobs after overcoming the initial mystique of these jobs. The easiest are removing slight surface rust from barrels and polishing shotgun bores. Installing sights that will really help the shooter also fall into the easy job category. We will cover these here in enough depth for you to take on any of these jobs comfortably. Video: Rifle Golf is America’s Newest Shooting Sport

If you’re interested in long distance rifle shooting, or in hunting with a rifle, I highly recommend that you check out the Spirit Ridge Rifle Golf facility, in Utah. The “golf” part of the name is really just part of the rules for how your shots are scored. Other than that, it’s all rifle and no golf, and it’s one of the best opportunities I’ve ever seen to test one’s rifle skills.

Browning Celebrates Cabela’s 50th Anniversary with limited edition Citori shotgun

The 50th Anniversary Citori shotgun is a collaboration between manufacturer Browning and retailer Cabela's.

Requirements for Transporting Firearms, Firearm Parts and Ammunition on Commercial Aircraft

I. Passengers are prohibited from carrying firearms, firearm parts and ammunition Federal regulations administered by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) prohibit the carriage of firearms and guns, as well as parts of firearms and guns (such as magazines or clips, bolts, firing pins, and other components), in the traveler's possession or in carry-on luggage on commercial aircraft. …

Fulton Armory Titan FAR-308 308 Winchester

Fulton Armory is a small manufacturer located in Savage, Maryland, known in the competitive shooting market for its reproductions of the M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, and M-14 models. Their AR-15s aren’t chopped liver either: Fulton’s FAR-15 (5.56/223 Rem.) was our gun of the year in 2009. Now the Titan FAR-308 was in our crosshairs. To ensure neutral opinions on this gun, none of our testers had participated in last year’s review of the FAR-15. Video: Professional Russian Demos the AA-12 Auto Shotgun

The most outrageously devastating hand-held anti-personnel machine in existence may be the Atchisson Assault Shotgun, or AA-12. Fully automatic and drum-fed, the AA-12 fires five 12-gauge shotgun shells per second, with extreme reliability and so little recoil that it can be shot Arnie-style with one hand. And if that hail of hot buckshot isn't enough to make both shooter and target need a change of underpants, consider this: it has been developed in conjunction with the FRAG-12 - a new type of shotgun cartridge in which each round is a small, flighted high explosive or fragmentation grenade accurate up to 175 meters.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...