Ruger Redhawk KRH-444
Rugers $780 KRH-444 Redhawk was our top pick among three 4-inch .44 Magnum revolvers. Heres why. When Ruger engineers sought to make a more compact revolver, they did so by shortening the barrel and introducing a new grip. They left the frame alone. This meant the gun was plenty strong to take any punishment we could dish out.
CMMG Adds 5.56mm Caliber to New AR Pistol Line-Up
Converting Old Browning Model A-5s
Savage Model 64 TR SR V No. 45200 22 LR, $325
In the April 2012 issue, Gun Tests magazine tested three semi-automatic rimfire rifles that showed promise of being more than just plinkers. They were the $325 Savage Arms model 64 TR SR V No. 45200 22 LR, CZ-USA's $465 model 512, and the $595 Remington 597 TVP. Following is an excerpt from that test, used with permission:
Winchester Expands Blind Side Waterfowl Lineup for 2014
Working the Savage Model 110
Savage has sold thousands of Model 110 rifles to hunters seeking an inexpensive rifle. Watch for several things when they need fixing.
JP Enterprises Debuts Rimfire Conversions In Multiple Models
Ruger Model 77: Repairs and Improvements issues a Special Report on the Ruger Model 77 repairs and improvements. Includes schematics for major areas of gun breakdown. Derived from American Gunsmith magazine, and AG's Gunsmithing the Rifle book. Ruger Model 77 rifles have been popular for years. Here are some things to watch for when one comes across your bench.
Molon Labe Special Edition CW9 Available
Frag Pistol Gets Inspiration from Grenade Grip Pattern
Replacing Missing Firing Pins
Don't give up if a replacement firing pin is unavailable from your catalog suppliers. Instead, use these tips to solve the problem.