
GunBroker Runs Springfield XD-S Giveaway is giving away a Springfield Armory XD-S to new and existing registered users.

GunAuction to Watch: Left-Handed Deer Hunter’s Dream

Auction 11278485 at is a left-handed deer hunter’s dream: a Remington Model 721 in .243 Win. This customized left-hand bolt-action rifle has several indications that it was built by a true rifleman: a nice-looking walnut Monte Carlo pistol grip stock, a 26-inch medium-heavy-taper barrel with no rust, wear, scrapes, or scratches, and a 4-pound trigger pull. And this: The rifle is a custom chambering of the .243 Win. cartridge because the Model 721 was not made in that round.

GunAuction to Watch: Cased Remington O/U Derringer .41 Rimfire w/ Ammo seller “Lock-stock-and-barrel” calls this Remington O/U Derringer chambered for .41 Rimfire the best “blue” Remington O/U derringer they have seen. The Type III, Model No. 4 two-shot top-break handgun was made between 1912 and 1935 and displays a muted blue color with no appreciable surface erosion.

Maintaining Ruger Mini-14 Rifles

Three basic subassemblies, the barreled action, trigger group and bolt assembly, are involved here. For the sake of simple cleaning, the rifle need only be taken down to these groups. If other problems exist, you'll need to go well beyond the instruction pamphlet provided with the firearm. To disassemble the Mini-14, the first thing that you must do is remove the magazine and set the hammer in the cocked condition. Pull the bolt handle all the way back, cocking the hammer, then release the bolt forward. Push the safety back to place it in the on position. Place the rifle in your padded jaw vise with the trigger guard pointing up. It works best for me if I hold the barrel in the leather-faced jaws of my vise.

GunAuction AR-7 Survival Rifle Giveaway

GunAuction is giving away a new Henry U.S. Survival AR-7! You can win this gun by simply posting a picture and asking your friends to vote on it! Here’s how it works:

Repairing Winchester’s Model 12 Shotguns

After making 2 million Model 12s from 1912 to 1980, Winchester brought this famous shotgun back. Here's what to look for in the newer one.

Video: Introduction to the 300 AAC Blackout, with Exploding Watermelons

The 300 AAC Blackout has taken the AR world by storm. Its versatility combined with its ease of manufacture make it an attractive option for those looking to do more with their AR-15s. This Twang & Bang video is an introduction to the 300 BLK.

Olympic Shooting Sports on the Rise, But Not in the UK

The shooting sports are more popular than ever across the globe. With the lineups for the 2012 London Olympics set, there are a total of 390 shooters from 108 countries competing at the games. The number of competitors places shooting in the top four sports at the Olympics and the total countries represented is up from the two previous games, according to NRA-ILA.

P-12 Returns FNH USA to Pump Shotgun Market

FNH USA's new FN P-12 pump shotgun marks FNH USA's re-entry into the pump shotgun market.

Inexpensive Fixes For Savage/Stevens 311s

Over the years, Savage/Stevens manufactured a whole bunch of reasonably priced side-by-side double barreled shotguns, establishing a niche in the hunting gun market. Though inexpensive, these shotguns have proven over the years to be quite durable and there are enough out there to make it likely that one will find its way into your shop for a fix-up or rejuvenation.

Gould Brothers Exhibition Team Joins the Winchester Repeating Arms Pro Staff

The Gould Brothers Exhibition Shooting Team (GBX), made up of Aaron and Steve Gould, has joined the Pro Staff of Winchester Repeating Arms. GBX travels the country wowing crowds with incredible shooting demonstrations using the Winchester Super X3 and Super X Pump. To see examples of their tricks, click the link below.

GunAuction to Watch: Franchi LAW-12 “Evil Assault Shotgun”

Seller “Oregon Guns” has listed a Franchi LAW-12 tactical shotgun for sale in Auction #11139577, pointing out that the model is “permanently banned from importation” and to “make sure to get yourself one of these ‘evil assault shotguns’ while you still can.”

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...