
Ruger Super Redhawk Grip Upgrade

The results of my tests showed that the Ruger Super Redhawk was a fine piece. But, I wasn't impressed with the supplied grip in terms of soaking up recoil.

Eagle Imports Bringing in Mac 1911 Bobcut Pistols for 2013

Eagle Imports is bringing the Metro Arms family of products, including the compact MAC 1911 Bobcut, to the United States in 2013.

The Dirty Dozen: Wildlife Groups that Want to End Hunting

There are groups that undermine and manipulate systems across America to end hunting, trapping and fishing. These same “less-than-honest” groups also often then exploit wildlife and conservation issues in the name of raising dollars for their devious causes. The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance has identified a dozen organizations that have taken efforts in the past year to prevent you from hunting or trapping:

Repairing Remington 788 Bolt-Action Rifles finds that the Model 788 rifle Remington built to compete with cheaper items remains one of its most popular years later. Repairing it gets complicated.

S&W Model 438 Bodyguard 38 Special

It's clear that Smith & Wesson figures there's still a viable market for the snubnose 38, because it came out with a new revolver in 2010 called the Bodyguard 38, usurping the name of the previous Bodyguard with shrouded hammer. The new Bodyguard 38 comes with an 'integral' laser sight, and the gun vies with the Centennial Airweight for looks, charm, effectiveness, concealability, and price.

We acquired a new Bodyguard 38 No. 103038, $625. The gun was a S&W five-shot 38 Special, and had a 1.9-inch barrel. Our prime interest was to see if the newer, more expensive Bodyguard was worth the money when proven, perfectly servicable older guns are readily available at gun stores, pawn shops, and gun shows.

Wild Bunch Holster Brings Practical Shooting Full Circle

Whether you enjoy competing as an athlete in IPSC, a SASS cowboy, or an IDPA tactician, the versatility of the Mernickle Wild Bunch holster can serve your needs. And if anyone asks about your rig, you can tell them about the good old days of slapping leather when a quick draw was the only game in town.

Manufacturing an In-Shop Shooting Drum

In the course of a typical day's gunsmithing, I test fire at least three weapons for such things as inconsistent primer ignition, failure to feed properly, and sear disengagement. With the cost of commercial bullet traps somewhere in the stratosphere, I had no choice but to make my own to keep costs down. My indoor trap, which I use for pistols and rimfire rifles, cost less than $25 to build. Even if you use brand new materials, it should cost less than $100.

Kimber SIS Custom RL 45 ACP

The SIS Custom RL came with night sights. The rear unit, windage adjustable via drift, was mounted in a dovetail aligning its rear face precisely with the back of the slide for maximum sight radius. Its forward edge presented a vertical surface reaching about 0.2 inches upwards from the top of the slide. This was to provide a catch point on one’s belt or other edge in case the slide needed to be racked without using two hands. Today’s pistols commonly feature a rear sight with a ramped profile front to back. The ramped profile is much less likely to snag clothing than a tall and sharp sight blade. But if the slide must be racked and the support hand is not available, the operator might wish for the sharp edge of the old-style rear sight. Kimber’s SIS-style rear sight meets this need without the worry of hanging up on the inside of a jacket or shirt.

Arsenal Inc. SLR-106FR 223 Rem.

The SLR-106FR is a U.S.-made AK-74 variant that comes with a magazine, cleaning rod, accessory case, drift pin cleaning jag, bore brush, combination tool, oil bottle, cleaning rod, and a web sling.The SLR-106FR is 922(r) compliant, meaning it contains 10 or fewer foreign-made parts, according to Arsenal documents. Those parts include the major Bulgarian-made items, such as the barrel, receiver, and bolt. To make the gun U.S.-compliant, Arsenal takes a Bulgarian gun and adds six U.S.-made parts: the hammer, trigger, disconnector, buttstock, pistol grip, and handguards.

Correcting Feeding Problems in Marlin Lever-Action Rimfire Rifles

Before we get into the causes and cures of feeding problems on the tube-fed Marlin rimfires, I should start with a few cautions. First, with any exposed-hammer-style rifle, whether it's cocked on action-opening or by thumb, careful practice must be followed in letting the hammer down to the safe position on a loaded chamber. Second, although it's commonly assumed that jacking the finger lever repeatedly will empty all the cartridges from these rifles, cartridges can hang up during working of the lever and feeding operation. Therefore, the mag tube might not be empty even if the lever is worked several times after seeing what is assumed to be the last cartridge being ejected from the side ejection port.

Connecticut State Police Award Pistol Contract to SIG Sauer

SIG Sauer, a U.S.-based leading manufacturer of law enforcement and military firearms, is pleased to announce that the Connecticut State Police has selected the SIG SAUER P220 as the agency’s next service firearm.

Magnum Research Re-engineers Magnum Lite MLR .22 Win Mag Rifle Series

USA-based Magnum Research, Inc. (MRI) has re-engineered the Magnum Lite MLR22 Win Mag rifle series in a semi-auto configuration.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...