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AcuSport Debuts FFLGuard Service

…AcuSport’s customers are the first retailers to have been given an exclusive first-look at FFLGuard, a new legal service offered by The Chiafullo Group, LLP (“the Group”), a law firm based in New Jersey.

Gays and Guns

…A brief filed in the case, on which I offered some counsel, argues that the law is especially harmful to gay Americans. The brief joins a large coalition of groups, including the National Rifle Association, arguing for individual rights under the Second Amendment.

Over At Gun-Tests.com: Marlin the Best .44 Magnum Rifle

…Your rules that you usually follow call for the one that is substantially overpriced to be given a 'Conditional Buy' rating, not 'Don't Buy'.

Ted Nugent Could Be The NRA’s Rambunctious New Charlton Heston

The LA Times recently speculated that rocker Ted Nugent is prepared to replace Charlton Heston as popular culture's most outspoken proponent of the 2nd Amendment.

Solicitor General Clement Says He Will Step Down; Opposed “Heller” Supreme Court Case as...

Gun activists were upset with him earlier this year because of a brief he filed in the Second Amendment challenge of the District's handgun ban.

USAMU’s Anti Qualfies for Prone Rifle, Snyder Callahan, Turner and Szarenski Qualify In Pistol...

Maj. Mike Anti of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit, Beki Snyder (Colorado Springs, Colo.), Libby Callahan (Columbia, S.C.), Jason Turner (Rochester, N.Y.) and Sgt. 1st Class Daryl Szarenski of the USAMU all qualified for spots on the 2008 U.S. Olympic team today at the 2008 U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Shooting (Smallbore). …

Concealed Weapons Now Allowed In Parks, On Public Transportation

Georgians with carry licenses can tote their concealed guns on public transportation, carry in restaurants that serve alcohol, and carry in state parks

NRA Members Put Oklahoma’s Boren On Board

District 2 U.S. Rep. Dan Boren, D-Muskogee, believes he will be able to do even more to help gun owners in eastern Oklahoma now that he’s been named to the National Rifle Association’s Board of Directors.

On The Campaign Trail, Obama Speaks From ‘Pro-Gun’ Script

The Republican National Committee is distributing a release questioning Barack Obama’s commitment to gun rights, which he said he supports in many campaign speeches.

Senator McCain on Guns: His Support for the 2nd Amendment

Louisville, KY—McCain: Gun rights are an important issue, and I wanted to share with you some highlights of the speech I delivered today at the National Rifle Association annual meeting. I think they will give you some good insight into my strong belief in the Second Amendment.

McCain Will Attend NRA Meeting With Armed Guests

…Mccain Will Attend NRA Meeting With Armed Guests. More than 60,000 members of NRA expected in Louisville with the option of being armed. When Sen. John McCain appears at the National Rifle Association's convention in Louisville this weekend, not only will his security detail be armed, so will the audience. More than 60,000 National Rifle Association members are expected in Louisville May 16-20, and thanks to Kentucky's concealed carry law, they can bring their guns with them.The Kentucky Exposition Center allows concealed weapons.

Top 10 Firearms Questions for Presidential Candidates

Gun Reports will submit a list of 10 firearms-related questions to the campaigns of John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama to discern who's the best gun-rights candidate.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...