Good News from Arkansas: Scholastic Shooting Programs Are Booming
In 2007, 918 schoolchildren from 23 schools participated, said Chuck Woodson, the AGFC’s shooting sports coordinator. This year, the ranks swelled to 2,405 children, who represented 54 schools.
NSGA: U.S. Hunting & Firearms Sales Increase in 2007
In equipment categories with sales of more than $1 billion in 2007, the greatest percentage growth in this category came from air guns, which showed a 15% increase to $283.7 million.
NRA Wins and Loses in Pennsylvania Court
A Pennsylvania court sided with NRA and issued a permanent restraining order against two of the city of Philadelphia’s municipal gun control measures enacted in April.
A Step in the Right Direction for Wisconsin’s Right-to-Carry Movement
…On Thursday June 5, Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen issued Concealed Carry Permit #1 for a retired investigator. Van Hollen said he hoped other agencies would follow his lead. He said he has told them they have the authority to issue such permits under a four-year-old federal law that makes some of the thousands of retired Wisconsin officers able to carry a concealed weapon.
Ohio: Senate Passes Castle Doctrine Legislation
Senate Bill 184, Ohio’s “Castle Doctrine” legislation, recently passed out of the State Senate by a vote of 25 to 7. This legislation now heads to the governor for his signature.
Pennsylvania Pro-Open-Carry Spokesman Detained by Police
The Citizens Voice newspaper in Wilkes-Barre, Penn., has reported that the operator of the pro-open-carry site was detained by police after having his gun confiscated.
Guns and Gas
A Butler, Missouri, car dealership is offering a free handgun with every purchase of a used car.
2008 Shooting Sports Summit
Top officials from state and federal wildlife agencies and conservation organizations will be joined by executives from different sectors of the industry in presenting educational workshops, discussion panels and strategic issues impacting the future of the shooting sports and providing stimulus for the development of coordinated solutions.
Ohio State Students Learn about “Our Kind” of Gun Control
…The course, International Air Pistol, is offered through the same department as physical education courses, such as boxing and fencing, and teaches students of all majors the fundamentals of safe handgun use following both National Rifle Association and Ohio laws. Students are introduced to the sport through classroom training and shooting-range application.
OKC Police Chief Wants Tighter Gun Laws
…Citty, speaking at a news conference by a coalition of social services, clergy and community groups opposed to gang violence, said he believes in a citizen's right to carry firearms but that too many guns are reaching the hands of gang members.
Missouri Bill Offers Firearm Upgrades
…The bill also removes residency requirements for concealed carry permits. Under current law, residents must live in Missouri for six months before they can receive a permit. The new legislation waives the six month requirement for those who already possess a valid permit from another state.
30th Annual NRA Bianchi Cup Goes to Doug Koenig
…Koenig narrowly beat four-time-winner Bruce Piatt 1918-185X to 1918-182X, respectively. Carl Bernosky took third with a score of 1918-176X.