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Oklahoma Open Carry Starts Nov. 1

In Oklahoma, anyone with a handgun permit can soon openly carry a firearm. Senate Bill 1733, signed by Gov. Mary Fallin on May 15, amends the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act to allow the open carrying of a firearm with a license and a few restrictions. After the bill goes into effect on Nov. 1, the more than 140,000 Oklahomans with a handgun license will no longer be required to have their weapon concealed in public.

US Army Reserve Shooting Team: Serving The Force

You'd be surprised how many people view the shooting teams as a good old boys club. They have no idea of the benefit and skill these Soldier-shooters are bringing to the Army Reserve. It's like accusing an NFL team of being nothing more than a group of drinking buddies that play catch on Sunday afternoon. Outsiders to US Army Reserve Shooting Team fail to understand why such a team exists. Unless one has been involved in small arms training or higher level shooting activity, marksmanship experience is typically limited to basic qualification. Just as retaking the same elementary arithmetic test will never teach Calculus, marksmen need to evolve to gain proficiency. Shooting teams were established in enact this and provide other benefits as well.

Safariland Launches Tactical Holster With Cordura Nylon Finish

Safariland’s new Model 6004USN SLS Low Signature Tactical Holster capitalizes on the features of best-selling 6004 tactical thigh rig and the newly introduced 6378USN.

Delaware State Police Unit Chooses SIG Sauer SIG516 as Duty Rifle

The Delaware State Police Special Operations Response Team (SORT) has chosen SIG Sauer’s SIG516 as its new duty long arm.

New Howard Leight Impact Sport MIL Earmuff Provides Active Hearing Protection

Honeywell Safety Products’s new Howard Leight Impact Sport MIL sound amplification earmuff provides passive hearing protection from firearms while allowing the shooter to hear range commands.

Hornady Releases 9th Edition Handbook of Cartridge Reloading

The 9th Edition of Hornady’s Handbook of Cartridge Reloading becomes available December 1, offering reloaders more than 900 pages worth of the latest reloading data representing 233 different cartridges, 146 powders, and 304 bullets.

Remington Issues Product Safety Recall Notice for 338 Lapua Magnum Loads

Remington has issued a Product Safety Recall Notice for its 338 Lapua Magnum 250-grain Scenar Match Ammunition Lot Nos. L13SA29L, L13SA29R, L13SB29L, or L13SB29R.

Gun Bloggers Ask Romney To Disavow Obamas Fast And Furious Executive Privilege Claim

The lead editorial in the October 2012 issue of Gun Tests magazine asks presidential candidate Mitt Romney to immediately disavow claims of executive privilege in the ongoing Fast and Furious scandal.

MidwayUSA Round-Up Contributions Reach All-Time High

Part of Larry and Brenda Potterfield's and MidwayUSA's ongoing efforts to protect the Second Amendment started back in 1992 with the creation of two programs that to date have raised almost $200 million dollars - the Friends of NRA (FNRA) Program and the NRA Round-Up.

Anti-Gun UC-Davis Study of Retailers Biased, NSSF Says

Larry Keane, general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, recently wrote about an article appeared in the Journal of Urban Health, “Characteristics of Federally Licensed Firearms Retailers and Retail Establishments in the United States: Initial Findings from the Firearms Licensee Survey” by Dr. Garen Wintemute, director of the Violence Prevention Program, University of California, Davis.

NRA’s GunBanObama.com Website Details President’s Gun Record

The NRA has created a specialized website called GunBanObama.com that asks gunowners to take a look at President Obama’s anti-gun history. And then the site says, “Now imagine our future if he is re-elected.

CMP Offering Scholarships to Qualified High School Students

The Civilian Marksmanship Program is taking applications for its $1,000 annual college scholarship program, available to all graduating high school seniors who participate in rifle or pistol marksmanship competitions.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...