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Upgrading the Ruger Mini-14 the Brownells Way, Part I and Part II

Brownells makes it very easy for any shooter, experienced or not, to convert his Ruger Mini-14 into a tricked-out rifle that meets your exacting wants and needs. The first step in this customization process is to determine what I am going to use the rifle for. Foremost, I wanted this rifle for varmint hunting, particularly night-time hunting. My secondary use is for self-defense purposes at home.

B&C Records: Whitetail, Sheep, Grizzly Entries on the Rise

Trophy-class specimens of whitetail deer, Stone's sheep, Dall's sheep, desert sheep and grizzly bears are becoming more common afield, based on newly compiled records by the Boone and Crockett Club. However, trophy records are declining for caribou.

Gun Tests June 2013 Pistol Preview: RIA Standard GI and Kimber Eclipse Target II

To answer a number of questions concerning the performance of the 1911 pistol, the Gun Tests South Carolina test unit obtained a Rock Island Armory Standard GI No. 51421 45 ACP, $410, and a Kimber Eclipse Target II 45 ACP, $1393, in what originally seemed to be a price mismatch.

NSSF Updates Firearms Retailer Survey Results

For the past five years, the National Shooting Sports Foundation has surveyed federally licensed firearms retailers across the country to find out what products are the biggest sellers and who is buying. NSSF has just issued the latest version of that report from an online survey conducted last month. The data shows which types of firearms and ammunition were most popular in 2012, and at the same time allows retailers to compare their businesses to that of other gun stores across the country.

Rabbit Target Clay Shooting

Because the targets are flatter and thicker than standard clays in order to withstand rolling on the ground without shattering, the clays often require a little harder hit before shooters can prove they are masters of "rascally rabbits."

Firearms Safety and Conservation Are Topics of Free Video-for-Schools Campaign from NSSF

The National Shooting Sports Foundation has launched its annual nationwide offer to schools to receive--free of charge--educational videos that teach children about firearm safety and wildlife conservation.

Galco M6X Holster Wins Golden Bullseye Award

Galco Gunleather’s patented M6X Auto Locking Holster has received the 2013 NRA Golden Bullseye Award for “Shooting Accessory of the Year.

CCRKBA: Data Conflicts with Gun Control Rhetoric

Newly-released data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) proves that more guns in private hands do not lead to more murders, and a Pew Research study showing widespread ignorance of this fact suggests that the public has been misled, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says.

Working Marlins Model 60 Successfully

We looka at Marlin's Model 60, a tube-fed semiautomatic .22 rimfire rifle, among the most popular on the market today. That model has sold nearly 3 million copies over a 30-year period. Like any product with such a long service record, this Marlin has undergone a number of revisions. The Model 60 has been offered in a variety of configurations and under several different names. The Marlin Model 60 is not a glamorous rifle, doesn't retail for a fortune, and gets used, abused, and neglected. Here's how to fix the major problems it has.

New Beretta Pistol to Feature LaserMax Laser and Light

At the 142nd NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Houston, Fabbrica D’Armi Pietro Beretta announced its newest pistol innovation featuring integral laser and light technologies furnished by LaserMax.

Stoeger Introduces 20-Gauge Double-Barrel Shotguns

At the 2013 NRA Annual Meetings, Stoeger introduced 20-gauge models to the Longfowler Series of double-barrel shotguns, available in both side-by-side (SxS) and over/under (O/U) models. The Longfowler Series features 30-inch barrels and walnut stocks and forends that sport a weather-resistant stained oil-finish.

Uberti Announces Silverboy 22 Magnum Lever-Action

Uberti introduced a new caliber for the Silverboy small-bore lever-action rifle at NRAAM. The 22 Magnum Silverboy lever action uses a unique cartridge-control mechanism inside the action so that the gun can be fired and cycled while held at any angle, even when upside down.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...