Mossbergs New 500 Tactical Shot Gun
North Haven, CT – This new model may be “just” the little brother to the ever-popular 12 gauge 500 Tactical Cruiser, but this 20 gauge packs considerable punch.
Mossbergs New 500 Rolling Thunder Shotgun
Mossberg introduces the latest addition to the Special Purpose firearms product line – the 500 Rolling Thunder.
Kimber Stainless Target .38 Super
Point and shoot handling and exceptional rapid fire capability makes this is a formidable defense gun. Based on our action tests our shooter was able to place two shots on a five yard target about 0.25 seconds sooner than with our other test guns. This could make its 9+1 capacity, (which is better than other 1911s), academic when compared to the higher capacity pistols.
Mossbergs 464 Lever Action Rifle
Mossberg pulls the trigger on another American Classic, the all new 464 Lever Action Rifle.
Public Continues to Oppose Banning Handgun Sales
…The latest survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted April 23-27 among 1,502 Americans, finds that public attitudes about gun control also have shown little change in recent years.
Harris Poll: Does the Second Amendment Provide the Right to Bear Arms? U.S. Adults...
…In the next few weeks the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to decide D.C. v. Heller, which concerns whether the District of Columbia's ban on handguns violates the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The question that the Supreme Court will be answering is whether the Second Amendment actually provides an individual with the right to own a gun or whether it provides the state the ability to form a militia.
Ohio State Students Learn about “Our Kind” of Gun Control
…The course, International Air Pistol, is offered through the same department as physical education courses, such as boxing and fencing, and teaches students of all majors the fundamentals of safe handgun use following both National Rifle Association and Ohio laws. Students are introduced to the sport through classroom training and shooting-range application.
OKC Police Chief Wants Tighter Gun Laws
…Citty, speaking at a news conference by a coalition of social services, clergy and community groups opposed to gang violence, said he believes in a citizen's right to carry firearms but that too many guns are reaching the hands of gang members.
LE Ammo in Short Supply
…Other issues affecting the industry include a rise in domestic-based demand for ammunition, an increased foreign demand of base metals and the daunting task set to the manufacturers to catch-up to the combined demand of the war and law enforcement.
Missouri Bill Offers Firearm Upgrades
…The bill also removes residency requirements for concealed carry permits. Under current law, residents must live in Missouri for six months before they can receive a permit. The new legislation waives the six month requirement for those who already possess a valid permit from another state.
Weatherby Introduces Two New Vanguard Custom Rifles
Weatherby has expanded its offerings to hunters with the introduction of two new custom Vanguards engineered for specific environments – the Sage Country for sparse, open prairie and the Back Country for high altitude hunting.
Mossberg 100 Night Train Centerfire Rifle
Mossberg’s latest addition to their line of special purpose firearms is the new 100 ATR Night Train.