Ruger Announces New 22 Charger Pistol
The Ruger 22 Charger Pistol delivers the fun, versatility and reliability of the time-tested Ruger 10/22 in a handgun.
Ruger Introduces LCP 380 Lightweight Compact Pistol
Following quickly on the heels of the successful introduction of the Ruger SR9 9mm pistol, the Ruger LCP (Lightweight Compact Pistol) is the latest addition to the Ruger Hard-R line of products.
Ruger Launches Special Edition Mini-14 Rifle To Benefit NRA-ILA
A special edition Mini-14 rifle will be produced in 2008 to raise money for the NRA Institute for Legislative Action.
Ruger Rolls New 300 and 338 Ruger Compact Magnum Rifles and Cartridges
Ruger, in conjunction with Hornady Manufacturing Co., has introduced two new Compact Magnum cartridges. Based on the beltless 375 Ruger, the 300 and 338 RCMs are engineered to offer 300 and 338 Win. Magnum performance in a more compact package. With their short actions and 20-inch barrels, the M77 Ruger Compact Magnums are today’s “mountain rifles and brush guns.”
North Carolina Crowns Youth Skeet State Champions
NASHVILLE, N.C.—Young skeet shooters from across North Carolina earned state titles—with many qualifying to represent North Carolina at upcoming national championships—at the recent Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) North Carolina Skeet State Championship.
Illinois Crowns Youth Trap State Champions
SPARTA, Ill.—Young trap shooters from across Illinois earned state titles—with many qualifying to represent Illinois at upcoming national championships—at the recent Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) Illinois Trap State Championship.
Nosler Ballistic Tip now available in 30-caliber 168-grain
Nosler, Inc. has introduced a new 30-caliber 168-grain Ballistic Tip. The manufacturer of premium-grade hunting bullets added the 168-grain Ballistic Tip to enhance its lineup for deer and antelope hunters.
Nosler 22 Ballistic Tip Now Available in 60-Grain
Nosler, Inc. has added the 60-grain Ballistic Tip its lineup for varmint hunters. The Nosler 22 60-grain Ballistic Tip is designed to provide varmint hunters with a very aerodynamic projectile in a popular weight.
Nosler Introduces Largest Partition
New from Nosler for 2008 and designed for 458 Winchester Magnum and 460 Weatherby Magnum, the 458 Partition is ideal for dangerous game like Cape Buffalo.
Stop Trophies in Their Tracks With Nosler Solids
The new Nosler Solid Bullets gives hunters the penetration and versatility for hunting large thick-skinned game. The Solids feature a unique design and homogenous lead-free alloy construction to provide an impressively straight wound channel.
New 10mm Sporting Handgun bullet from Nosler
Nosler has announced the introduction of the new 10mm Sporting Handgun bullet. The jacketed hollowpoint 180-grain bullet enhances the versatile Sporting Handgun bullet line.
NoslerCustom Unveils Three New Cartridge Brass Offerings
NoslerCustom, the rifle, ammunition and brass division of Nosler, Inc., has expanded its cartridge brass line with new 264 Winchester Magnum, 7mm Shooting Times Westerner and 338 Winchester Magnum introductions.