D.C.s Bad Joke: New Gun Law
John Lott, Jr.: Gun Debate Is Hardly Over
Smith & Wesson Introduces New M&P15R
Browning Introduces New Fitted Luggage Cases and Flex Case Models
Leupold optics feature new camo options from Mossy Oak
Leupold’s Green Ring Cascades and Mojave binoculars and RX-II digital laser rangefinder are now available with Mossy Oak Treestand armor coating. The Acadia is available with Mossy Oak Break-Up.
Remington 11-87 shotgun available in Mossy Oak Duck Blind finish
The Remington Model 11-87 Sportsman Super Magnum Waterfowl shotgun is now available with full Mossy Oak Duck Blind camo coverage. Mossy Oak Duck Blind was designed to maintain its effectiveness throughout the waterfowl season in a wide variety of actual waterfowl hunting environments.
Smith & Wesson M457 No. 104804 .45 ACP
The Model 457 is one of the oldest remaining products in the Smith & Wesson catalog. Also available with a matte stainless finish (model number 457S), this design is closely related to the "Second Generation" pistols that were popular with law enforcement when semi-automatics first replaced the revolver. What we liked best about the 457 was the way it lined up in our hands.
The distance between the face of the trigger and the rear of the grip was just right, even when the trigger was in its rearward position for single-action fire. The plastic grip looked and felt like it was part of the aluminum frame. The seven round magazines included a basepad with a pinky rest, so even those shooters with the largest hands were satisfied.