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D.C.’s Bad Joke: New Gun Law

The District, rebuffed by the Supreme Court last month in a landmark decision on its 32-year-old gun ban, could soon be headed back to court over a new gun law that could take effect as early as Wednesday.

John Lott, Jr.: Gun Debate Is Hardly Over

John R. Lott, Jr. recently wrote on FoxNews.com, “The Supreme Court may have confirmed that Americans have the right to own guns for protection, but the gun debate is hardly over. The District of Columbia, whose handgun ban was struck down by the Supreme Court, is still planning on banning most handguns.”

Smith & Wesson Introduces New M&P15R

Smith & Wesson Corp. has introduced the M&P15R, an addition to the company’s M&P tactical rifle series. The new AR-15 style rifle is capable of firing 5.45 x 39mm ammunition and is available as a high-quality semi-automatic rifle or as a complete upper-receiver assembly kit.

Browning Introduces New Fitted Luggage Cases and Flex Case Models

Browning has added new models to its line of fitted and flexible gun cases.

Leupold optics feature new camo options from Mossy Oak

Leupold’s Green Ring Cascades and Mojave binoculars and RX-II digital laser rangefinder are now available with Mossy Oak Treestand armor coating. The Acadia is available with Mossy Oak Break-Up.

Remington 11-87 shotgun available in Mossy Oak Duck Blind finish

The Remington Model 11-87 Sportsman Super Magnum Waterfowl shotgun is now available with full Mossy Oak Duck Blind camo coverage. Mossy Oak Duck Blind was designed to maintain its effectiveness throughout the waterfowl season in a wide variety of actual waterfowl hunting environments.

Smith & Wesson M457 No. 104804 .45 ACP

The Model 457 is one of the oldest remaining products in the Smith & Wesson catalog. Also available with a matte stainless finish (model number 457S), this design is closely related to the "Second Generation" pistols that were popular with law enforcement when semi-automatics first replaced the revolver. What we liked best about the 457 was the way it lined up in our hands.

The distance between the face of the trigger and the rear of the grip was just right, even when the trigger was in its rearward position for single-action fire. The plastic grip looked and felt like it was part of the aluminum frame. The seven round magazines included a basepad with a pinky rest, so even those shooters with the largest hands were satisfied.

Emmons, Beyerle Claim 3 Position National Championship Titles

The 2008 USA Shooting National Championships for Rifle/Pistol came to a close today with Matt Emmons earning his third national title of the competition, taking first place in the Men's 3 Position Rifle event. Emmons, from Browns Mills, N.J., a 2004 Olympian and 2008 Olympic team member, finished on top with final of 101.1 and a total score of 2455.1. Earlier in the competition, Emmons also claimed the Men's Air Rifle and Men's 3 Position Rifle…

Disney World Claims Exemption from New Florida Law

Disney World claims that it's exempt from a new state law that allows workers to bring handguns to work. Disney says by banning the guns, it's looking out for the safety of its workers and guests.

DC Councilman Offers Ban Changes

The Los Angeles Times has reported that District of Columbia Council member Phil Mendelson has introduced legislation to put the city in compliance with the Supreme Court ruling by allowing residents to have handguns in their homes for self-defense.

Boston Tea Party 2008 Staged by Gun Owners’ Action League

The Massachusetts Gun Owners’ Action League will mark the ten-year anniversary of the signing of the state’s 1998 Gun Control Act on July 23, 2008. It has marked the upcoming anniversary by outlining what it calls the “Decade of Disaster” that resulted from the passage the law, officially known as Chapter 180 of the Acts of 1998.

The Black View on Heller

When black folks were outmanned and outgunned during the slavery, Reconstruction and Jim Crow eras, various Supreme Court decisions left blacks defenseless against a tide of white terrorism. But now that black communities are awash in a wave of black on black crime, the Supreme Court accepts and rules on a case concerning the right to bear arms.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...