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Fulton Armory M1 Carbine .30 Carbine

What does Fulton put into a carbine? How about: Original USGI receivers; all USGI parts, all checked with applicable gauges; an excellent-condition (refinished) original USGI stock and hand guard; a period sling and oiler; plus “The M1 Carbine Owner’s Guide,” a 140-page book by Ruth & Duff (autographed by Duff). This book was so filled with intensive details about the M1 Carbine that after reading portions of it, we had to rewrite portions of this report. Also in the Fulton package was one 10-round magazine. There’s a 30-day money-back guarantee, which gives you ample time to fall in love with your new purchase, or to find some good reason to reject it, which we don’t think you will.

Thompson/Center Arms Begins Shipping Triumph Bone Collector Muzzleloaders

Thompson/Center Arms Company Inc. has begun shipping the new Triumph® Bone Collector™ Series of muzzleloaders. The series consists of two .50 caliber magnum muzzleloaders that carry the look, feel and attitude of Michael Waddell’s “The Bone Collector” series currently airing on The Outdoor Channel.

Buffalo Bore 158-Grain Roundnose Bullet

Buffalo Bore now offers a round that was designed to be similar to the old FBI-standard round that featured a soft-lead 158-grain bullet at very good velocity.

Heckler & Koch SL8-1 .223 Rem.

Heckler & Koch is marketing a variant of its G36 assault rifle as a heavy-barrel accuracy rifle for the U.S. market. What struck us as unusual was the marrying of a heavy barrel or other heavy componentry to what was originally a lightweight field rifle configuration. The SL8-1 is a grey polymer-stocked unit that sells for $1,249.

Ruger Introduces SR-556 Autoloading Rifle

SOUTHPORT, Conn. -- Sturm, Ruger's new SR-556 autoloading rifle is a two-stage piston driven rifle that the company claims runs cleaner, cooler, and is easier to maintain than gas driven rifles. Chambered in 5.56mm NATO, the Ruger SR-556 also fires .223 Rem. ammunition.

Colorado Gov. Ritter Vetoes Bill Easing Carry Regulations

Gov. Ritter vetoes bill that would have allowed some people with permits to carry concealed weapons to skip additional background checks each time they buy a gun.

NRA Files Suit Against San Francisco for 2nd Amendment Violations

The National Rifle Association has filed suit against the city of San Francisco, Mayor Gavin Newsom and Police Chief Heather Fong, taking aim at city laws it contends violate the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

Texas Man Sentenced for Possessing Molotov Cocktails During Republican National Convention

MINNEAPOLIS -- A 23-year-old man from Austin, Texas, who was connected to a group that planned to disrupt the Republican National Convention (RNC) in September 2008, was sentenced in federal court to possessing destructive devices.

Republican “Leaders” Looking to Replace Specter with Noted Gun Banner

In a recent Gun Owners of America email, the group called out Republicans who support gun control, in particular Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania.

Remington Offers New 870 Express Compact Shotgun In Mossy Oak Pink Camouflage

MADISON, NC -- Remington's new 870 Express Compact with Mossy Oak comes outfitted with pink camouflage.

Creedmoor Sports Donates To M1 For Vets Project

Creedmoor Sports is donating $5 from every internet order over $100 to the M1 For Vets Project.

College Profs Ask for Campus Concealed Carry

Three professors of finance and economics in Texas wrote a gun rights–related op-ed piece that was distributed to several newspapers in the state last week. In the article, they said, 'As college professors, we want to reduce the odds of a Virginia Tech massacre happening on a Texas college campus. That's why we encourage the Texas Legislature to allow concealed carry on the state's college campuses.'

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...