Firearms Industry Matches ATF Reward in Lynnwood Firearms Theft
( -- The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) - the trade association for the firearms industry -has announced a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the March 26, 2010 burglary and theft of Lynnwood Gun and Ammunition in Lynnwood, Washington.
Sinclair Introduces Reloading Video Series
( -- An 8-part video series from Sinclair International, a supplier of ammunition reloading supplies, precision reloading tools and shooting accessories, will soon be available on and the GunReportsChannel on YouTube.
Check Out Videos! rolls out several videos on new product introductions at the SHOT Show in Las Vegas: Included are reviews of 22 Rimfires in Tactical Platforms (4:00), Beretta U22 Neo 22 pistol/carbine combo (0:53 secs), FN Report (3:02 mins), Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 and Bodyguard 38 Special (2:08) w/integral Insite laser, and Steyr AUG A3 bullpup 223 (1:16).
Follow Gun Reports and Gun Tests on Facebook is now on Facebook. Keep abreast of what's going on minute-by-minute on breaking gun news, harmful gun legislation, firearms victories by becoming a Fan. Look for 'Gun Reports' on Facebook. Also, for inside peeks into Gun Tests' ongoing criticism of firearms, search Facebook for 'Gun Tests'
Please Vote For Concealed Carry At ProCon Website
A website purporting to explore the topic of concealed carry allows gunowners to register a ‘pro’ vote in favor of concealed carry.
Share Your Remington Moment
( is inviting hunters to share special stories and participate in a monthly drawing of firearms. The contest is called 'Share Your Remington Moment.'
Fort Hood Police Heroes Honored by Gun Saint Society
Fort Hood Texas police Sgts. Mark Todd and Kimberly Munley wore St. Gabriel Possenti Society ( honor medallions presented by Society Founder-Chairman John M. Snyder of Telum Associates at the American Police Hall of Fame in Titusville, Florida.
A JPFO Wish List for Palin’s NRA Address
( Zelman, founder and director of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, sent Sarah Palin a wish list of topics he hopes she will cover in her speech to the NRA national convention on May 14.
AcuSport Adds Exclusive FNH Five-seveN Pistol
(–Distributor AcuSport Corporation has added an exclusive all-black FNH Five-seveN pistol to its inventory.
Firearms Industry Concerned Over United Nations Request for Firearms Trace Data
(—The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the trade association for the firearms industry, has learned that the United Nations has filed its first firearms trace request. The move by the United Nations, which has long advocated for civilian disarmament, raised concerns from the NSSF.
Department of Education Buys Shotguns
(—The Department of Education has placed an official request for bids to fill an order of 27 tactical shotguns.
AcuSport Begins Distributing Barrett Model 82A1 .416
(—AcuSport Corporation will distribute the Barrett Model 82A1 chambered in a .416 caliber. Barrett designed this new firearm for residents who have always wanted to own a Barrett 82A1 but haven’t been able to because of detachable magazine regulations.