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Bushmaster Patrolman’s Carbine .223 Rem., $1230

Our Bushmaster Patrolman’s Carbine was yet another interpretation of the flat-top AR. The base price of this model was $1230 including the Fiberite Six Position adjustable stock and A2 front sight. But we picked several options to bring it into spec with our other carbines. A 4 Rail Free-Floater Forend (YHM-9479) was in place plus an Ergo Sure Grip (ARG- KIT). With another Ergo Sure Grip clamped to the bottom forend rail (ARG-FWD), we thought we were seeing double.

The forend grip could be placed anywhere along the bottom rail as long as it was far enough forward to clear the magazine. A large knob with a coin or screwdriver slot and knurled edges held the grip in place. With two pistol style grips in place, our stance took on a narrower profile. This would be especially advantageous when traveling down a hallway or taking cover in a tight space. The forend itself appeared to be fatter. This was because the rails were covered with slip-on Sure Grip rail covers featuring the Bushmaster logo, (SCH-6L). The rail covers created a smooth, rounded feel to the forend and increased its overall width by about 0.3 inches.

GunReports.com Video: Ruger Tactical Tips – 1: Mental Preparation

Before self-defense training can begin, you must mentally prepare yourself for combative situations. This series is a collection of self-defense tips with career law enforcement officer Dave Spaulding designed to help individuals learn proper skills and techniques to defend themselves.

Smith & Wesson M&P15-22 Tactical Rifle Earns Award

(GunReports.com) - Smith & Wesson® Corp., the legendary 158-year old firearms maker, announced that it recently received the “Rifle of the Year” award from the Shooting Industry Academy of Excellence for the company’s M&P15-22 tactical rifle. This distinction marks the second year in a row that Smith & Wesson has won the award for best rifle. The Smith & Wesson M&P15 MOE was named “Rifle of the Year” last year during the annual Shooting Industry Masters.

A Two-Fer: Sheriff Violates 1st and 2nd Amendments

(GunReports.com) -- From the Des Moines Register:

Ruger Hawkeye Tactical HM77VLEH 308 Win., $1172

Tactical bolt-action rifles are pretty easy to spot. Typically, they utilize a composite stock with pronounced pistol grip, oversize bolt handle and fire from a heavy barrel. The military models are camouflage or earth tone in color, and the law-enforcement models are usually black. Accuracy, strength, and simplicity are key attributes.Can a tactical rifle serve as a hunting rifle? We’re not saying one can’t. It’s just that a tactical rifle typically weighs more than a hunting model. The heavy barrel enhances the ability to maintain accuracy throughout repeat fire and excessive heat.

Smith & Wesson Begins Shipping Bodyguard Line with Integrated Insight Lasers

(GunReports.com) --- Smith & Wesson Corp. has begun shipping the new Bodyguard 380 semi-automatic pistol and Bodyguard 38 revolver with built-in laser sights.

GunReports.com Video: Front Sight Founder Warns Against Small-Caliber Handguns

Front Sight Firearms Training Institute's Dr. Ignatius Piazza takes on the issue of small-caliber handguns as suitable self-protection items. Here's what he said: 'I have a video for you this week that is the best example of the pros and cons of carrying a pocket pistol that I have ever seen.'

GunReports.com Video: Ruger’s Tactical Tips Part-7, Proper Training

This video series is a collection of self-defense tips with career law enforcement officer Dave Spaulding designed to help individuals learn proper skills and techniques to defend themselves. Once you've learned how to hold and reload your firearm, among other basic skills, properly continuing your training is critical to improved performance.In real life, you may not be keeping your gun in a holster on your hip, but rather in a pocket holster. It is extremely important to train with what you carry and to remain realistic in your practice. Proper training is essential for good gun technique.

GunReports.com Video: Patrick Flanigan’s New World Record

Winchester exhibition shooter Patrick Flanagan completes a World Record of shooting 7 handthrown clay targets in one toss, shot separately with ONE hand, from the hip.

ASAP Survival Gear for Emergency Preparedness

(GunReports.com) – ASAP™ Survival Gear takes emergency preparedness to a new level with its line of emergency starter packs and two Natural Disaster Modules: the Evac to Shelter Module and the Shelter Unavailable Module.

Lewis Machine and Tool Co. to Build ‘Rifle Integrated Power Rail’ Accessories

(GunReports.com) -- Lewis Machine and Tool Company (LMT) will begin designing and building platforms that can integrate RIPR’s power and data rail into upper weapon platforms, most significantly with the fielded M-4 carbine.

NRA and Pyramyd Air Offers Discount to Disabled Shooters

(GunReports.com) -- The National Rifle Association and Pyramyd Air are partnering up to offer disabled shooters and adaptive sports groups a discount on the Air Arms MPR air rifle. Only available through the NRA, the rifle is now available for the discounted price of $750.

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...