Industry Notes

USAMU Soldiers Clean Up at Big Matches

Soldiers of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit have scored some major victories recently. The following results are some of their accomplishments...

NRA Foundation Earns Highest Rating for Sixth Consecutive Year

For the sixth consecutive year, The NRA Foundation has received a four-star rating from Charity Navigator, America's largest independent evaluator of charities. Rated for efficiency and effectiveness, four stars is Charity Navigator's highest rating. In the past 15 years, the foundation has funded more than 11,000 grants totaling more than $72 million dollars, becoming America's leading charitable organization in support of competitive shooting, range development, education and training, and the second amendment. …

Ruger SR9 Recall Update

Ruger is now retrofitting SR9 pistols and will continue to send shipping boxes to customers on a weekly basis, the company says.

Sabre Defense Industries Awarded M16 Contract

Sabre Defence Industries, LLC, a government contractor for the manufacture of machine gun parts and accessories and commercial XR15 rifles, has been awarded an IDIQ contract for a minimum of 4,952 M16A3 and 702 M16A4 rifles to support the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, and foreign military customers.

Rochester, NY Purchases Beretta PX4 Storm .45 Cal Handguns

The Rochester Police Department in New York State has announced the purchase of 775 Beretta Px4 Storm .45 handguns

Nevada ACLU Supports An Individual’s Right To Bear Arms

The Nevada American Civil Liberties Union has declared its support for an individual's right to bear arms, apparently making it the first state affiliate in the nation to buck the national organization's position on the Second Amendment.

Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute Announces New Slate of Officers

The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute (SAAMI), an association of the leading manufacturers of firearms, ammunition and components, elected new officers at its recent annual meeting.

Anheuser-Busch: Will It Continue To “Brew” Sports Advertising?

Belgium brewer InBev has agreed to buy Anheuser-Busch for $52 billion. How much will this impact the business of sports, particularly sports with gun themes?

Firearms Industry Applauds Introduction of Excise Tax Reform Bill

HR 6310 will allow the firearms and ammunition industry to pay the FAET on a quarterly basis, the same payment schedule as every other industry that supports conservation.

Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation Announces Appointments to Senior Management Team

Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation has announced new appointments to its senior management team.

Guns and Democrats

Dan Schnur, writing in the New York Times online 'Campaign Stops' column, took a broad view of what Heller means for the upcoming presidential election: Partisans on both sides will argue about whether Mr. Obama's equivocation represents a clarification or a reversal of his previous statements on the subject. But the truth is that it doesn't matter. …

SanFran Columnist Saunders Gets Heller Just Right

In the end, the court settled a matter that had been ruled by sensibilities. When fashionable people can afford to hire security guards or live in gated communities, they tend to think of self-defense as a neurotic obsession of the gauche and overwrought. They don't think they need handguns, therefore no one needs handguns. They are undeterred by research that shows that their gun bans don't reduce crime, because it only matters that they mean well.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...