Industry Notes

S&W Rolls Out M&P 9mm, 40 S&W Shield Pistol

Smith & Wesson’s new M&P Shield is a slim, concealable, lightweight, striker-fired polymer pistol. Available in 9mm and .40 S&W, the new M&P Shield has an easily concealed 1-inch profile and an optimized 18-degree grip angle.

NBC Shows Anti-Gun Bias . . . Again

Larry Keane, general counsel of the NSSF, weighed in recently on the biased reporting about Remington firearms by NBC’s Rock Center program.

Will Crimson Trace become Chartreuse Trace?

Crimson Trace's Iain Harrison previews the company’s upcoming green pistol laser sights from NRA Annual Meetings in St Louis.

F&F is Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal

Katie Pavlich, news editor at, has written a new book called Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up.

Oil Filter Suppressor Adapter a Hoot

The Econo-Can is a patent-pending legal and registered silencer by American Specialty Ammo. It actually is an adapter that uses a removable expansion chamber — aka a car oil filter — to suppress the firearm. The video below shows that this device is as quiet as any 22 LR silencer we have tested. But it’s not a toy or novelty. It’s a registered silencer and must be treated as such. The adapter is threaded 1/2-28. This is a NFA item and all NFA rules and regulations apply. Price: $55.

Nugent Dishes It Out at NRAAM

Conservative rocker Ted Nugent accused President Obama of running a “vile, evil, America-hating administration” during a weekend appearance at the National Rifle Association convention. He was interviewed at the NRA Annual Meetings by NRA radio host Cam Edwards.

Lipsey’s Announces Exclusive Flat Dark Earth Frame Glocks

Lipsey’s, a nationwide firearms distributor, has added Glock pistols with Flat Dark Earth frames to its line of Exclusive firearms. This will mark the first time that any Glock Generation 4 pistols are offered in a different frame color, the company said.

AZ OKs Suppressors for Hunting

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has signed House Bill 2728 into law, allowing hunters in the state to use lawfully-suppressed firearms for hunting.

March 2012 NICS Checks Shoot Up 20 Percent

U.S. consumers bought 20 percent more guns in March 2012 than a year earlier, adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System figures show.

ATK Gets 450-Million-Round Federal Contract for 40-Cal Ammo; Will Consumer Supplies/Pricing Be Affected?

( — Earlier this month, ATK announced that it is being awarded a 450-million-round contract to produce 40-caliber cartridges for the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Remington Threatens Shut Downof NY Plant over Microstamping

Remington is threatening to pull its plant out of Ilion, New York, over a gun bill pushed by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Texas Parks and Wildlifeto Vote on Hunting Suppressors

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission will vote on the department's hunting regulation proposals -- including whether the state will allow the use of lawfully owned suppressors for hunting -- on Thursday, March 29 at 9 a.m. in the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Commission Hearing Room, 4200 Smith School Road, Austin, TX 78744.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...