Industry Notes

Metalform Begins Selling M1911 Magazines to Retail Consumers

Metalform Company is now manufacturing its pistol magazines for sale in the retail market.

Defiance Introduces High-Precision 45 ACP Silencer For Kriss Vector

The new Defiance HPS 4GSK 45 ACP Suppressor is designed for use with the Kriss Vector family of firearms and is compatible with all Kriss SMG, SBR, and SDP 45 ACP firearms with M16x1 LH threads.

Summiteers Get Simulator Training

In NRA's Youth Education Summit, 45 outstanding current high school sophomores and juniors from across the United States are chosen each year to travel to the nation’s capital, where they participate in the weeklong educational opportunity. The summit encourages young adults to become active and knowledgeable U.S. citizens by learning about the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the federal government, and the importance of being active in civic affairs.

Smallbore Champs Get Benchmade Knives, Benelli Shotguns

Benchmade Knife Company is supplying knives for the winners and second-place finishers in the Smallbore 3-Position and Prone Championships, held at the NRA's National Pistol and Rifle Championships in Camp Perry, which began this week.

ATI Rolls Out Saiga Tactical Stock

Advanced Technology International (ATI) recently introduced the Saiga Talon Tactical Stock with Scorpion Recoil System. The Saiga Talon Tactical Stock fits all Saiga firearms and is manufactured in the USA.

KA-BAR Knives Releases ‘The Ka-Bar Legacy’ Video

KA-BAR Knives has released The Ka-Bar Legacy, a video that highlights the history of the 114-year-old company. Company president John Stitt narrates the history of the company, highlighted by the creation of the iconic UMSC Fighting/Utility knife during World War II. The video offers a glimpse into the production of the USMC Fighting/Utility knife at the Olean, NY factory.

Glock Recognizes National Safety Month With Firearms Twist

( — In honor of National Safety Month, Glock reminds gun owners of 10 important safety rules. These safety tips will help users remain confident and safe when using a firearm.

U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Drafting Starts Next Week

The latest attempt by the U.N. and global gun banners to eliminate Second Amendment freedoms is to include civilian arms in the current Arms Trade Treaty, the language of which will be finalized next month.

NRA Says Magazine Ran Fast & Furious Disinformation Piece

In support of Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. and his congressional allies this week was an obviously coordinated media campaign, aimed at rewriting the history of 'Fast and Furious' and smearing the whistleblowing BATFE agents who alerted Congress to the scandal, the NRA-ILA reports.

NSSF on Google’s Anti-gun Policy

Larry Keane, general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, lambasted Google for its recent no-gun-results shopping policy:

Issues involving the Use of Deadly Force From Front Sight

On issues involving the Use of Deadly Force, we have laws to guide us, but ultimately the standard of conduct is set by the courts and juries through their decisions in criminal and civil trials. Their decisions filter down and impact the policies of the District Attorney’s Office, your local law enforcement agencies, and civil litigation attorneys. Our own, individual decisions on the Use of Deadly Force may or may not conform to the accepted standard of conduct of the collective group of people we interact with.

House Holds AG Holder in Contempt of Congress

The U.S. House of Representatives voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress on Thursday for his role in suppressing and withholding Fast & Furious documents from congressional investigators. The bi-partisan vote marks the first time in history that the U.S. Congress has held an attorney general in contempt.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...