Industry Notes

SHOT 2022: Federal Premium Announces 30 Super Carry Cartridge

In January 2022, Federal Premium announced its 30 Super Carry (30 SC) cartridge, which Federal said provides the power of the 9mm Luger in...

BATFE Reclassifies ‘Honey Badger’ AR Pistols as SBRs

Gun Tests readers who own AR-style pistols need to keep a close watch on a recent regulatory change the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms...

What’s New in the Gun World?

Hey Shooters: Lots to talk about in this edition of Straight Shooter's "Gun Report," your semi-automatic source of gun-culture news, new-product insights, and whatever else we could find when rooting around in the bottom of the metaphorical range bag.

Walther Announces Relaunch of the Classic PPK and PPK/S Pistols

Hey Gun Tests readers, I'm Todd Woodard, editor of Gun Tests Magazine. I'm here with Bret Vorhees, director of product development for Walther. And amazingly, we have a gun here that you already know about, the Walther PPK/S. Walther's PPK and PPK/S are coming back out in the United States this year.

Bret's going to tell us about the long story of this platform and why it's an interesting gun for shooters.

Ed Brown’s Magazine Exchange Program Is Worth a Look

In this offer, Ed Brown is allowing customers to send old magazines of any make to upgrade to an Ed Brown Performance Magazine of their choice for only $10! It is a one-to-one exchange, so for every single magazine sent in, the customer can select one Ed Brown magazine of his or her choice, up to 20 magazines per exchange.

Does Your Kahr or Auto Ordnance Firearm Need Service? Read This Before You Ship

Beginning September 17, 2018, all repairs and product returns must be sent to the new location in Greeley, PA. The service department can be reached by email at or by phone at 508-795-3919 Ext. 1. The new shipping address for Kahr and Auto-Ordnance repairs and product returns is stated here.

New National Online Gunseller – MidwayUSA – Enters the Market

"National firearms and firearms-accessory retailers have made price- and model-shopping for rifles, shotguns, pistols, and revolvers even easier," says Todd Woodard, editor of Gun Tests magazine. "It's not quite to the point that Amazon has begun selling firearms, but the competition for online sales should drive prices down and make availability even better."

224 Valkyrie Cartridge Specifications Approved

"SAAMI's approval of the cartridge is a crucial step in legitimizing it within the industry," said Gun Tests Editor Todd Woodard. "Their work creates...

Gun Sales Hit New Monthly Record in March

The number of NICS checks in a month is considered a strong indicator for how well gun sales are doing, Woodard explained. Each sale made by a federally licensed dealer, such as a gun store, is subject to a check. Missing from these transaction totals are the sale of used guns between private parties. Also, some states use the checks to issue gun-carry permits. "And sales of multiple guns during a single transaction by a dealer generally only requires a single background check," Woodard said. "So, for example, when I bought three bolt-action rifles at a local Academy store in Houston in March, that only generated one NICS check."

Browning Ends Production of Hi-Power Pistol Line for Second Time

Browning has announced that its Hi-Power pistol production has ended, effective EOY 2017. That's a shame, according to Gun Tests Magazine, which has tested various Hi-Powers over the years and found them to be generally effective as concealed-carry weapons (CCW).

Lyman Recalls Black-Powder Rifles and Pistols

Gun Tests has learned that Lyman Products Corp. ("Lyman") is voluntarily recalling black powder rifles and pistols due to the potential of separation in the breech plug.

SHOT Show 2018: New Shotguns

Gun Tests reporters and editors on the scene at SHOT Show 2018 in Las Vegas have been scouring the show for new rifle, pistol, shotgun, and accessory entries for our readers to consider this year. Here's a rundown on quite a few just-introduced scattergun choices for 2018, some of which we'll be looking at for further examination later this year.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...