Industry Notes

ArmaLite Announces New AR-10 LE Carbine

ArmaLite’s new AR-10 Law Enforcement Carbine takes the durability and performance of the company’s LE carbines chambered in .223/5.56X45mm NATO and mixes in the stopping power of the .308 cartridge.

Burris Eliminator II and III LaserScopes Now Shipping

Burris is pleased to announce that the much anticipated Eliminator II and Eliminator III LaserScopes are now being shipped to dealers across the country. The new 3.5x-10x-50 Eliminator LaserScope, which was introduced in August, starting shipping in October.

AcuSport Adds FireClean Brand to Gun Cleaning Lines

AcuSport Corporation, a leading distributor of shooting and hunting products, has added FireClean advanced gun oil to its cleaning products lines. FireClean is non-toxic and odorless, and is designed to melt carbon while lubricating and conditioning the gun in one step.

Fifth Circuit Upholds Ban on Gun Sales to People Under 21

Last week, an appeals court upheld a federal law that prohibits people under the age of 21 from purchasing handguns from dealers, rejecting the first challenge to the age rule since the Supreme Court recognized an individual’s right to keep and bear arms.

Connecticut State Police Award Pistol Contract to SIG Sauer

SIG Sauer, a U.S.-based leading manufacturer of law enforcement and military firearms, is pleased to announce that the Connecticut State Police has selected the SIG SAUER P220 as the agency’s next service firearm.

ATF and FBI Join Forces to Increase Reward to $102,000 in I-96 Corridor Shootings

Special Agent in Charge David L. McCain of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Detroit Field Division, and Special Agent in Charge Robert D. Foley III of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Detroit Division announced today that each agency is contributing $50,000 to the reward being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the individual (s) responsible for the I-96 corridor shootings.

Delaware State Police Unit Chooses SIG Sauer SIG516 as Duty Rifle

The Delaware State Police Special Operations Response Team (SORT) has chosen SIG Sauer’s SIG516 as its new duty long arm.

New Howard Leight Impact Sport MIL Earmuff Provides Active Hearing Protection

Honeywell Safety Products’s new Howard Leight Impact Sport MIL sound amplification earmuff provides passive hearing protection from firearms while allowing the shooter to hear range commands.

Hornady Releases 9th Edition Handbook of Cartridge Reloading

The 9th Edition of Hornady’s Handbook of Cartridge Reloading becomes available December 1, offering reloaders more than 900 pages worth of the latest reloading data representing 233 different cartridges, 146 powders, and 304 bullets.

National Law Enforcement Museum Wins Rare Eliot Ness Items in Auction

During an auction in Worcester, MA on Thursday, September 27, the National Law Enforcement Museum won a rare and sought-after collection of photos, notes, telegrams, and other documents related to prohibition-era government agent Eliot Ness, from the estate of Winifred (Winnie) Higgins, Ness's secretary.

Walther Recalls Some PK380 Pistols

Carl Walther GmbH has found that manual safeties on some PK380 pistols don’t work properly. Certain PK380 pistols may permit a round to be discharged if the trigger is pulled, despite the manual safety being engaged.

Special Knife Deal Offered for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

KnifeWorks and Doug Ritter are offering a special combination of Ritter's Pink Mini-RSK MK1 knife and the DR Limited Special Edition Pink Photon illuminator for $120 during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...