Industry Notes

NSSF Providing Free Firearm Safety Materials to Returning Servicemen and Women

Once President Obama announced the return of 34,000 servicemen and women from Afghanistan within a year, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) said that it will continue providing free firearm safety materials, including gun locking devices, to America's returning armed services members. NSSF is the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry.

Birchwood Casey Rolls OutPink Shoot-N-C Targets

Birchwood Casey's Shoot-N-C Targets are known for leaving a bright ring around bullet holes for instant feedback. For 2013, Birchwood Casey has introduced Shoot-N-C Pink Reactive Targets.

MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc.Announces 2013 Matching Program

The MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc. and Scholastic Shooting Trust, a public charity established by MidwayUSA founders Larry and Brenda Potterfield, will continue to match both proceeds from its fundraising promotions as well as private donations to endowment accounts.

Federal Retools Premium Ammo Website

The new makes choosing the right ammunition quick and easy. Hunters and shooters can easily navigate the new website to find photography, educational graphics, and one-of-a-kind tools.

In the Gun Tests Feb 2013 Issue:40 S&W Ammo Test

Harvey Berger, a Gun Tests reader who lists his home state as the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia, praised the just-published comparison of 40 S&W ammo in the February 2013 issue. But there’s a “but.” He wrote:

Nikon Debuts ACULON A211 Binocular

The ACULON A211 binocular officially launches Nikon’s all-new ACULON optics family to the world, with seven fixed-power and two zoom models.

NSSF Promotes Don’t Lie for the Other Guy Program in Texas, Arizona

As part of an ongoing national effort to help prevent illegal 'straw' purchases of firearms, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the trade association for the firearms industry, is reminding the public along the Southern border in Texas and Arizona that stiff penalties are in place for individuals convicted of such purchases.

Funny: Journalist’s Guide to Firearms Identification

As discussions continue about gun and magazine bans, talking heads on the TV get their gun terminology all messed up. Maybe it's because the reference they're using isn't quite up to snuff:

Winchester’s AA TrAAcker Shows Shot String Track

A fired 12-gauge shotgun shell unleashes a column of shot from a shotgun barrel at about 1,200 feet per second – too fast for the human eye to see the pellets in flight. This can make it extremely difficult to master the correct lead on flying clay targets or game birds. What if that changed? What if it was possible to track the flight of the shot string? Thanks to Winchester Ammunition, it’s happening in 2013.

Rock Island Armory Debuts TCM 22 Rifle

Rock Island Armory debuted the TCM 22 centerfire rifle at SHOT Show 2013. The new rifle is chambered for the Armscor TCM .22 cartridge exclusive to Armscor.

GOA: Biden Proposals Would Affect 50-80% of All Guns

Press reports now make it clear what Vice President Joe Biden’s gun control package will look like. Biden wants to impose:

Glock Unveils New 30S Pistol Model For 2013

At SHOT Show 2013, Glock, Inc. announced the Glock 30S, a conceal-and-carry hybrid pistol that blends a factory-made 36 slide on top of a 30SF frame -- a compact design that shoots the 45 ACP round.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...