Law Enforcement

Remington Introduces Model R-25 Modular Repeating Rifle

…Louisville KY—Remington has announced it will build a 243/308/7mm-08 version of its R-15 VTR rifle introduced in Jan. 2008. The new gun is the Model R-25, a modular repeating rifle designed for big game hunters.

McCain Will Attend NRA Meeting With Armed Guests

…Mccain Will Attend NRA Meeting With Armed Guests. More than 60,000 members of NRA expected in Louisville with the option of being armed. When Sen. John McCain appears at the National Rifle Association's convention in Louisville this weekend, not only will his security detail be armed, so will the audience. More than 60,000 National Rifle Association members are expected in Louisville May 16-20, and thanks to Kentucky's concealed carry law, they can bring their guns with them.The Kentucky Exposition Center allows concealed weapons.

Top 10 Firearms Questions for Presidential Candidates

Gun Reports will submit a list of 10 firearms-related questions to the campaigns of John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama to discern who's the best gun-rights candidate.

Mayor Bloomberg Wants to Gag 2nd Amendment

The trial concerns a civil lawsuit trial beginning May 27 against Georgia gun dealer Jay Wallace, proprietor at Adventure Outdoors. The city alleges Adventure Outdoors is responsible for a disproportionate number of the firearms recovered from criminals in New York City.

NRA Gun Accident Prevention Program Celebrates 20th Anniversary

The National Rifle Association's Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program will be celebrating its 20th anniversary in Louisville, Kentucky, this week.

Charter Arms 327 Fed. Mag. Snubnose Revolver Debuts at NRA Annual Meeting

Designed for legal conceal-carry, Charter Arms' 327 Fed Mag Patriot features 6-shot capacity and a 2.2-inch barrel, slick target front ramp and groove channel fixed sights.

Most Popular Hunting and Shooting Brands

…Southwick Associates has announced the brands and products that hunters and shooters preferred most in 2007. This list has been compiled from the 19,288 surveys that hunters and target shooters returned from and last year.

Remington Model 870 Desert Recon

Madison, NC – For nearly sixty years, whether serving duty with the nation’s military, law enforcement or with millions of hunters in the field, the Model 870 has stood the test of time with absolute reliability and rugged durability. New for 2008, Remington is excited to announce the Model 870 Tactical Desert Recon.

870 Express Synthetic Available in Three Tactical Configurations with 7-Shot Capacity

Madison, NC – Three highly functional and versatile platforms join our expansive line of tactical guns – two 12-gauge offerings, the Model 870 Express 7-Shot with Pistol Grip Stock and Fore-End; the Model 870 Express 7-Shot with Folding Stock; and a 20-gauge Model 870 Express 7-Shot with Knoxx SpecOps Stock.

New Revolver Cartridge—the 327 Federal Magnum

ANOKA, Minn. – Federal Premium has partnered with Ruger to introduce a new personal defense revolver cartridge designed to deliver 357 Magnum ballistics out of a 32-caliber diameter platform—and with 20-percent less recoil.

Wal-Mart Agrees To Gun-Retailing Restrictions

Wal-Mart has agreed to adopt a 10-point retailing system pushed by the anti-gun group Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Wal-Mart, the largest seller of firearms in the nation, cooperated in the drafting of and adopted what the Mayors Against Illegal Guns group calls the Responsible Firearms Retailer Partnership. …

Gunslick Introduces New AR-15 Pull-Through Kit

Gunslick demonstrates their support of law enforcement, armed forces and ”black gun” shooters with a product designed specifically for AR-15’s. Introducing the Gunslick AR-15 Pull-Through Kit (MSRP: $23.49)—available spring of 2008.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...