Home Hunting Page 37


Mossberg Announces The New 817 Super Rimfire

North Haven, CT – Mossberg International has created the new ‘super-rimfire’ bull barrel rifle that will appeal as much to the serious varmint hunting crowd as it does to the casual shooter trying out his or her aim on long-distance targets.

Mossberg’s New 4X4 Synthetic Bolt-Action Rifle

North Haven, CT – Mossberg expands its’ 4X4 with more model choices.

Mossberg’s Thumbhole Stock and Tipdown Forend Rifles

North Haven, CT – Mossberg International puts the “Fun” back in “Functional” with their newly released Thumbhole Stock and Tipdown Series of rimfire rifles.

Remington Power 7mm Ultra Mag – One Gun Does It All

New for 2008, Remington has expanded this concept to cover another popular member of the Ultra Mag family of cartridges with the introduction of 7mm Remington Ultra Magnum Power Level Ammunition.

New Bullet Loads Available for Weatherby

Weatherby’s ammunition line for 2008 has expanded with the introduction of two new bullet weights for big game from both Barnes TSX and Nosler Accubond.

Weatherby Introduces New Pump-Action Shotguns

The PA-08 Upland model has a stock and forend of Turkish walnut with a high-gloss finish...

Taurus Thunderbolt in .357 Magnum/.38 Special

MIAMI - New for 2008 Taurus offers the Thunderbolt in a .357 Magnum /.38 Special version.

Mossberg’s New 500 Tactical Shot Gun

North Haven, CT – This new model may be “just” the little brother to the ever-popular 12 gauge 500 Tactical Cruiser, but this 20 gauge packs considerable punch.

Mossberg’s 464 Lever Action Rifle

Mossberg pulls the trigger on another American Classic, the all new 464 Lever Action Rifle.

Missouri Bill Offers Firearm Upgrades

…The bill also removes residency requirements for concealed carry permits. Under current law, residents must live in Missouri for six months before they can receive a permit. The new legislation waives the six month requirement for those who already possess a valid permit from another state.

Weatherby Introduces Two New Vanguard Custom Rifles

Weatherby has expanded its offerings to hunters with the introduction of two new custom Vanguards engineered for specific environments – the Sage Country for sparse, open prairie and the Back Country for high altitude hunting.

Mossberg 100 Night Train Centerfire Rifle

Mossberg’s latest addition to their line of special purpose firearms is the new 100 ATR Night Train.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...