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Beretta 686 Silver Pigeon 28 Gauge

Particularly among the hunting crowd, who like to pit their wingshooting skills against those gray ghosts of fall — darting and diving aerobatic mourning doves and their white-winged cousins — more and more 28s are replacing their larger 20- and 12-gauge cousins. There is still a time and a place for big guns, but a growing number of hunters and clay target shooters are finding out that a smaller gauge can mean more shooting with less punishment.

Which Airgun Pellet To Hunt With?

Whenever you hunt with a firearm or airgun, one of the more important items you will need is a suitable round of ammunition for the gun of your choice. In airguns, this translates into a pellet. Three different pellets offered by Umarex USA offer different performance: the RWS Superdome, the RWS Super H-Point, and the RWS Supermag.

Drivers License and Hunting Licenses Combined in Louisiana

Gov. Bobby Jindal has signed into law a bill to allow those who frequent the outdoors to show they have the necessary permits for hunting and fishing on their drivers' licenses.

Colt Adds Two New California Compliant Rifles

Colt Defense LLC is adding two additional models to its current list of five rifles that are compliant with California’s bullet button laws. The new carbines available to shooters in California are the CR6720CA and CR6724CA.

Working Rossis Model 92 Lever-Action Carbines

I had reworked many Winchester 94s and both the 336 and 94 Marlins, but I had never done a Model 92 until a friend of mine walked in with a little .357 Rossi carbine—a 16-incher at that. This gun was very tight, too tight for it to operate as he wanted it to as a working gun that goes with him almost everywhere.

BLM Backs Down on Shooting Ban

On May 11, the Bureau of Land Management announced that it was abandoning the effort to ban recreational shooting on the Sonoran Desert National Monument in Arizona.

Winchester Super X Pump available in 12 Gauge

(GunReports.com) -- The Winchester Repeating Arms Super X® Pump is now available in 12 gauge 3½ chambering.

Repairing Ejectors On The Browning Citori

These specialized shotgun parts fall prey to several common mechanical malfunctions. Here's how to correct them.

GunAuction to Watch: Walther Umarex Colt 1911 Gold Cup Trophy 22 LR

The market for 22s that feel like big-bore guns continues to grow as shooters seek to cut ammo cuts but maintain proficiency. One of the guns in this segment is a triple-named semiauto listed in Featured Auction #10989722 by “JacktheDog.”

AZ OKs Suppressors for Hunting

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has signed House Bill 2728 into law, allowing hunters in the state to use lawfully-suppressed firearms for hunting.

GunAuction to Watch: Browning BAR Grade 1 7mm Rem Mag (1978) W/Scope

Any day you sign on to GunAuction.com you’re liable to find a firearm that you’ve always wanted. Apparently, quite a few gunowners are interested in Browning BARs, because Auction #10965165 has a high number of bidders interested in a BAR in 7mm Rem. Magnum built in 1978.

Texas Parks and Wildlifeto Vote on Hunting Suppressors

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission will vote on the department's hunting regulation proposals -- including whether the state will allow the use of lawfully owned suppressors for hunting -- on Thursday, March 29 at 9 a.m. in the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Commission Hearing Room, 4200 Smith School Road, Austin, TX 78744.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...