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Repairing the L.C. Smith Hammerless Double

The graceful, light, and distinctive L.C. Smith Hammerless Double sidelock is a favorite of American shotgunners. Here's how to fix its most common problems. If you own a Smith and want to make it suitable to shoot again, or if you are presented a Smith to repair, here's what you need to know about the shotgun.

Aimpoint’s Military Product Development Benefits Hunters and Shooters

Aimpoint is now offering new optical mounts to give hunters and sport shooters the same advantages employed by military end users.

Gun Tests May Rifle Preview: CIA WASR-10 vs. SIG Sauer 556R

Gun Tests’ Houston-based test team takes a detailed look at two very different AK-compatible rifles in the May 2013 issue of the magazine. Contributing Editor John Taylor, more widely known as JT, and the magazine’s Houston test team examined the WASR-10 imported by Century International Arms and the 556 Russian (556R) made by SIG Sauer.

Set up Your Scope for Success

Ryan Cleckner shares his process for properly setting up your rifle and scope combination so that it naturally aligns with your eye. (NSSF Video)

Rifle Sight-in Process, With Two Tips Most Shooters Will Never Do

Ryan Cleckner shares his process for sighting in a scoped rifle. There are some basics here, including bore-sighting, starting with a short 25-yard shot to get on the paper, and shooting groups before making adjustments at 100 yards. Two items at the end are also worth considering: slipping the scales and finding mechanical zero.

Weatherby Offers New 20-Gauge Pump Shotgun Models

Weatherby now offers a 20-gauge version of three PA pump shotgun models: PA-08 Synthetic, PA-08 TR, and PA-459 TR.

Bushnells’ New NatureView Cam HD SeriesPuts Game on Candid Field Camera

Bushnell Outdoor Products' new line of NatureView Cam HD camera traps allows wildlife enthusiasts to remotely capture high-quality images and high definition (HD) videos that are difficult or time consuming to capture in person.

Weatherby Range Certifiedprogram now includesthe Mark V Accumark

Weatherby features “Range Certified” accuracy assurance in its Mark V rifle line with the new Accumark RC, which comes with a SUB-MOA guarantee as well as a factory-shot target signed by company President Ed Weatherby.

Lengthening Chambers and Forcing Cones

There are many reasons for the shotgun ‘smith to lengthen these internal dimensions. Here's how to accomplish the tasks.

Back Country Rifle Returns in Weatherby’s Vanguard Series 2 Line

Back Country, a lightweight rifle for hunters and shooters, joins Weatherby’s Vanguard Series 2 line in 2013. Weighing just 6.75 pounds, Back Country carries the Weatherby sub-MOA guarantee and other features common to all Vanguard Series 2 rifles. In addition, Back Country’s chrome-moly metalwork with Cerakote Tactical Grey finish provides exceptional corrosion resistance.

Gun Tests April 2013 Preview: Hunting Rifles from Weatherby, Howa, T/C

Gun Tests’ Houston- and Idaho-based test teams take detailed looks at traditional bolt-action hunting rifles by Weatherby, Howa, and Thompson/Center in the April 2013 issue of the magazine.

Nikon Engineers New Riflescopefor 300 AAC Blackout

The .300 AAC Blackout cartridge in AR/MSR platform rifles provides the ability to shoot subsonic ammunition for low-noise applications and supersonic ammunition for longer-range shots. To get the most out of the round, Nikon's new P-300 BLK riflescope, $200, comes in 2-7x32 magnification with an all-new BDC SuperSub reticle that is calibrated for use with both supersonic and subsonic ammunition

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...