Judge throws out Chicago’s ban on retail gun shops
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Don’t Plan on Being Arrested? Be Prepared Anyway
Once you make the decision to possess and carry a concealed handgun, you are also making the decision that you may have to use it. The collective experience of the lawyers in the LawShield program, from observing the justice system in action and from the scores of police officers we represent is: if you use your gun, there is a very, very high degree of probability that you will be the person arrested.
Steyr Arms Introduces Its Full-Size L-A1 Service Pistol to the American Market
New Taurus 85 View Revolver Has Clear Sideplate
Taurus is introducing an unusual revolver in 2014, the 85 View, a radical departure from the typical snubnose 38 Special. The +P-rated View has an exclusive clear-view Lexan sideplate that reveals the inner workings of the firearm.
EAAs Compact 9mm Witness Pavona for Women
European American Armory (EAA) has introduced its Pavona line of semi-auto pistols built in Italy by Tanfoglio. The entire line is cosmetically designed for women by a woman and presented with a woman's touch by EAA's Sharon Lacy.