EAA Girsan MC 14T 380 Auto
The typical 380 Auto pistol has evolved from compact guns like the Walther PPK/S and Beretta 84 to subcompact pistols like the Glock G42 and Ruger LCP. A few manufacturers, such as Kimber, SIG, and Springfield Armory, shrunk their 1911 designs, too, and retrofitted these guns in 380 Auto. With most of these guns there is a compromise. If you wanted a more compact concealed-carry gun, the trade-off is a harder-to-operate and tougher-to-shoot pistol with limited-capacity single-stack magazines.
Glock G28 380 Auto
The typical 380 Auto pistol has evolved from compact guns like the Walther PPK/S and Beretta 84 to subcompact pistols like the Glock G42 and Ruger LCP. A few manufacturers, such as Kimber, SIG, and Springfield Armory, shrunk their 1911 designs, too, and retrofitted these guns in 380 Auto. With most of these guns there is a compromise. If you wanted a more compact concealed-carry gun, the trade-off is a harder-to-operate and tougher-to-shoot pistol with limited-capacity single-stack magazines.
Smith & Wesson Model 4013 Tops in Compact 40 S&Ws
In the January 1996 issue, we tested a quartet of 40-caliber semi-autos, three of which had significant drawbacks, our shooters said. In this installment of Gun Tests Classics, we revisit the winner of that test, a Smith & Wesson Model 4013, and see if its current used pricing makes it a still-valid recommendation for today’s shooters.