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More Lightweight Concealed Revolvers: Taurus Versus S&W

Taurus's $422 CIA successfully copies Smith & Wesson's Centennial series, but the S&W $745 Scandium 360S Airlite SC is the lightest .357 Magnum snubby we've evaluated.

.40 S&W Semis Compared: We Like Berettas Midsized Cougar

In testing two lesser-known .40-caliber pistols, we found that Beretta's $700 Cougar is a very good choice, but we had a couple of problems with the polymer Steyr M40.

Long-Barreled .357 Magnum Revolvers: Taurus, Ruger, S&W

Of the three companies' wares, we preferred the accurate, smooth 686, but we'd also buy the strong and well-made New Model Blackhawk. We'd have to think about the Taurus M66.

Sub-Compact .45 Semi-Autos: Colts Defender Gets The Nod

Colt's alloy Defender may be the best little 1911 yet, but Springfield's lightweight Ultra Compact is another value-laden contender. Taurus's PT145 packs the most rounds per dollar.

.44 Cap & Ball Revolvers: We Like Cabelas 1860 Army Best

This black-powder revolver is affordable but well built, as are other 1851 and 1860 models. If you want something pricier, you should consider a Second-Gen. Colt, depending on your needs.

.32 ACPs: We Evaluate Kel-Tec, Walther, Beretta Pocket Guns

Kel-Tec's $295 P32 is a modern alternative to the Derringer, as is the $368 Beretta Alley Cat. But to our eyes, Walther's $499 PP is a durable icon with greater potential.

More .45 ACP Semi-Autos: Stay Away From Llama and Firestorm

Colt's Model XSE model is a second-step upgrade that does all you would ask of a defense gun. Basic models from Llama and Firestorm shot poorly or malfunctioned during testing.

Toss-up: DA Taurus Raging Hornet Vs. SA Magnum Research BFR

The $898 Taurus and $999 Magnum Research revolvers are unique among firearms. Chambered for .22 Hornet, both guns offer the varmint and small-game hunter a lot of performance.

.357 SIG Pistols: Three Winners, Two Maybes, and One Must Buy

We pitted three Glocks—the 31, 32, and 33 models—against three Sigarms products—the P229, the P239, and the 2340 Pro. One gun was so good we bought it for ourselves.

Gun Mates: Pairing Full-Size And Carry-Size Semiauto 9mms

We found even the most dynamic duos from Taurus and Smith & Wesson have trouble keeping up with Glock's full-sized GL17 and the Model 26 pocket cannon.

Carry Classics: Bodyguard Vs. The S&W 342PD & Colts Agent

We were caught in an alloy quandary trying to pick from Colt's classic Agent, the high-dollar S&W 342PD, and S&W's newly slimmed-down Bodyguard. Now we know which one to buy.

Six-Shot .357 Magnum Snubbies: Go With Smiths Model 66

Taurus's $355 Model 617 and Rossi's new 461, $298, mount a lukewarm challenge to Smith & Wesson's $545 Model 66. The big edge: The S&W handgun's overall consistency.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...