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Kimber Stainless Target .38 Super

Point and shoot handling and exceptional rapid fire capability makes this is a formidable defense gun. Based on our action tests our shooter was able to place two shots on a five yard target about 0.25 seconds sooner than with our other test guns. This could make its 9+1 capacity, (which is better than other 1911s), academic when compared to the higher capacity pistols.

Public Continues to Oppose Banning Handgun Sales

…The latest survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted April 23-27 among 1,502 Americans, finds that public attitudes about gun control also have shown little change in recent years.

Harris Poll: Does the Second Amendment Provide the Right to Bear Arms? U.S. Adults...

…In the next few weeks the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to decide D.C. v. Heller, which concerns whether the District of Columbia's ban on handguns violates the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The question that the Supreme Court will be answering is whether the Second Amendment actually provides an individual with the right to own a gun or whether it provides the state the ability to form a militia.

Ohio State Students Learn about “Our Kind” of Gun Control

…The course, International Air Pistol, is offered through the same department as physical education courses, such as boxing and fencing, and teaches students of all majors the fundamentals of safe handgun use following both National Rifle Association and Ohio laws. Students are introduced to the sport through classroom training and shooting-range application.

OKC Police Chief Wants Tighter Gun Laws

…Citty, speaking at a news conference by a coalition of social services, clergy and community groups opposed to gang violence, said he believes in a citizen's right to carry firearms but that too many guns are reaching the hands of gang members.

Missouri Bill Offers Firearm Upgrades

…The bill also removes residency requirements for concealed carry permits. Under current law, residents must live in Missouri for six months before they can receive a permit. The new legislation waives the six month requirement for those who already possess a valid permit from another state.

S&W Stock Offering to Pay Down Debt

…The parent company of Smith & Wesson Corp. announced last week that it has priced a public offering of 6,250,000 shares of its common stock.

Measure Would Ban Guns in Toronto

The Toronto National Post reports that Toronto Mayor David Miller has announced a plan that would make all handguns illegal in Toronto, institute a series of measures that will effectively shut down gun ranges and make it all but impossible to manufacture, assemble or store firearms within city limits. The measures are contained in a report prepared by city staff that is to be presented to the executive committee next week. The report, 'City-Based Measures to…

Sig Sauer P250 Two-Tone 9mm

Big news at the Exeter, New Hampshire, plant not only includes a change of name from Sigarms to Sig Sauer, but also the release of a new pistol. The P250 featured a double-action system that raised the hammer smoothly in direct proportion to movement of the trigger. The stroke was long but the same length every time. Aside from the single-action 1911-style pistols, other Sig Sauer trigger systems are not as simple.

Some models feature a double-action first stroke with the hammer remaining cocked thereafter and the trigger resetting rearward in the trigger guard. Until manually decocked, subsequent shots are fired single-action only.

30th Annual NRA Bianchi Cup Goes to Doug Koenig

…Koenig narrowly beat four-time-winner Bruce Piatt 1918-185X to 1918-182X, respectively. Carl Bernosky took third with a score of 1918-176X.

AcuSport Debuts FFLGuard Service

…AcuSport’s customers are the first retailers to have been given an exclusive first-look at FFLGuard, a new legal service offered by The Chiafullo Group, LLP (“the Group”), a law firm based in New Jersey.

Gays and Guns

…A brief filed in the case, on which I offered some counsel, argues that the law is especially harmful to gay Americans. The brief joins a large coalition of groups, including the National Rifle Association, arguing for individual rights under the Second Amendment.

Worrisome Questions From SCOTUS

I am uneasy after hearing oral arguments in the Supreme Court case, Garland v. VanDerStok, and reviewing a transcript from the October 8, 2024 session....