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Smith & Wesson Stock Jumps After US Supreme Court Voids Washington DC Handgun Ban

Smith & Wesson shares rallied in heavy trading, rising 44 cents, or 8.6 percent, to $5.55. Analysts said the ruling will have little effect on Smith & Wesson's sales, however, because the Washington, D.C., restrictions were far tighter than most others in the country, and D.C. is a small market.

Ruger Introduces New 45 Colt Redhawk

The Ruger Redhawk is now available in 45 Colt caliber. From the black powder loads of the early days of the American West to the lightest-loaded Cowboy Action Shooting loads and powerful hunting cartridges of today, the 45 Colt has been a favorite of American shooters for 125 years.

Ruger Rolls Out 50th Anniversary Bearcat Revolver

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. is proud to announce the 50th Anniversary Ruger Bearcat revolver, commemorating the small frame, single-action revolver William B. Ruger, Sr. once described as “a mechanical jewel.”

Ruger Introduces SP101 Chambered in New 327 Federal Magnum

Ruger has partnered with Federal Premium to introduce the 327 Federal Magnum SP101 Revolver, a new personal-defense revolver cartridge designed to deliver 357 Magnum ballistics out of a 32-caliber diameter platform—and with 20-percent less recoil.

Ruger rolls Super Redhawk revolver, chambered in 480 Ruger, in new configuration

The Ruger Super Redhawk revolver chambered in 480 Ruger, specifically designed with the big game sportsman in mind, is back. Production had been suspended early in 2007 to address a fired case extraction issue. After a complete analysis, it was determined that to provide easy and sure extraction, all 480 Ruger Super Redhawk Revolvers, including the easy-to carry Alaskan, will now feature 5-shot cylinders.

Ruger Announces Two New Versions of SR9 Pistol

The recently launched Ruger SR9 pistol, the first striker-fired pistol from Ruger, is now available with a blackened stainless slide on either a black polymer frame or an OD Green polymer frame.

Ruger Announces New 22 Charger Pistol

The Ruger 22 Charger Pistol delivers the fun, versatility and reliability of the time-tested Ruger 10/22 in a handgun.

Ruger Introduces LCP 380 Lightweight Compact Pistol

Following quickly on the heels of the successful introduction of the Ruger SR9 9mm pistol, the Ruger LCP (Lightweight Compact Pistol) is the latest addition to the Ruger Hard-R line of products.

Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation Announces Appointments to Senior Management Team

Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation has announced new appointments to its senior management team.

John Lott: Reaction to D.C. Gun Ban Decision

John R. Lott, Jr. wrote last week, 'The Supreme Court's decision Thursday affirming that people have a right to own guns evoked all sorts of reactions....' He then went on to write about one of these reactions:

Guns and Democrats

Dan Schnur, writing in the New York Times online 'Campaign Stops' column, took a broad view of what Heller means for the upcoming presidential election: Partisans on both sides will argue about whether Mr. Obama's equivocation represents a clarification or a reversal of his previous statements on the subject. But the truth is that it doesn't matter. …

Washington Post Writer Doesn’t Get It

Marie Cocco, a writer for the Washington Post Writer's Group, tried to undercut the value of Heller by castigating gun-rights advocates for pushing their rights before the court, and in local jurisdictions: The gun lobby already has filed suit against municipalities that have laws similar to the one struck down in the District of Columbia. Wayne LaPierre, the National Rifle Association's executive vice president, told me that licensing and permitting systems, such as the one long…

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...