Concealed Carry

Shopping for the Heckler & Koch USP Compact Tactical USP45CT 45 ACP

The Heckler & Koch USP Compact Tactical USP45CT 45 ACP was a sexy gun tested in the January 2008 issue of Gun Tests, but it was also expensive—$1235 MSRP. Part of that was due to the gun’s extras: The Compact Tactical USP45CT arrived in a ballistic nylon attaché case with tool kit and cleaning kit and two magazines. The gun’s price also included a longer barrel threaded for a suppressor. The Gun Tests’s team thought the package was professional and businesslike.

PA Man Fends off Attempted Robbery With Concealed Carry Pistol

A report in the Pocono Record newspaper said an attempted robbery in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, went bad for the alleged robber.

Pistols 2008

Collection of pistols made and sold in 2008.

Beretta USA Px4 Storm Pistols Available

Quantities of the long-awaited Px4 Storm pistol have begun appearing in retail stores. The Px4 Storm is a 13+1 9mm compact w/Picatinny rail and matte-black finish. It has a locked breech with rotating barrel system, technopolymer-reinforced fiberglass frame, weighs 26.1 oz.

Safety Updates: Ruger P85 Safety Modification, Smith & Wesson’s i-Bolt Rifle Sear Modification

FFL dealers should advise their customers of two manufacturer recalls from Ruger and Smith & Wesson:

ATI-News/Zogby Poll Shows Democrats, Republicans and Independents Oppose Obama Positions

WASHINGTON D.C., Sept. 2 /PRNewswire/ -- A strong majority of likely voters disagree with Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on firearms and self-defense related issues, according to a just-released ATI-News/Zogby poll.

The Bill for Heller Totals $3.5 million

Lawyers who won the historic Second Amendment gun rights case in the Supreme Court — District of Columbia v. Heller (07-290) — on Monday asked a federal judge to award them more than $3.5 million for attorneys' fees, plus $13,215.30 for expenses and court costs. In a motion and memorandum filed with U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, the attorneys said that they had achieved 'one of the most profound and important victories available under…

Chicago Suburb Gives Up Gun Ban

The Village of Morton Grove agreed August 27 to a stipulated dismissal of a National Rifle Association lawsuit challenging the village’s gun ban. A new town ordinance recognizes the right to private handgun ownership, bringing an end to NRA’s lawsuit against the village. Morton Grove, located in a suburb of Chicago, completely dismissed its ordinance banning handguns and agreed to not replace it with any direct regulation other than to adopt existing state laws.

Natural Disasters And Federal Firearms Licensees

As a Federal firearms licensee (FFL), it is your duty and obligation to account for the acquisition and disposition of firearms, and it is essential to ensure that firearms are not diverted to the criminal element whether by theft or pilferage. ATF is dedicated to your success in fulfilling your duties and preventing the unlawful diversion of firearms. The following guidance on required and recommended security measures is intended to assist you in accomplishing these goals.

Houston DA Wants Permission for ADAs to Carry in Court

The Houston Chronicle has reported that Harris County District Attorney Ken Magidson has asked for a legal opinion from Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott to see if assistant DAs can be prevented from taking handguns into courtrooms.

Buy the Taurus Millennium PT145 Pro SS No. 145SSP 45 ACP, $421? Good Prices...

Gun Tests magazine recognized this in the January 2007 issue, when the magazine staff wrote that the 45 ACP was a Best Buy. “Ten rounds of big bullet with a full-size grip highlight this low-priced street fighter. A thumb safety and Heinie sights are plusses in our book.” A recent check of showed a couple of choices for the gun, both of which were substantially below the MSRP quoted in that issue—$421.

Finally, Dick Heller Registers Revolver in D.C.

Dick Heller walked out of D.C. police headquarters Monday, clutching a yellow firearms registration certificate stamped 'approved.' He gave the thumbs-up sign, grinned and said, 'Victory!'

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...