Concealed Carry

Gun Tests Test Inventory Available for Purchase: August 24, 2009

Houston-based B.A. Brooks Sports is a Federal Firearms License dealer who supplies firearms for Gun Tests evaluations. B.A. Brooks Sports sometimes has guns acquired for Gun Tests evaluation that readers might want to purchase. The following list describes those firearms and accessories.

Armed Protests Jeopardize the President, Public

In Arizona and several other states, it happens to be legal for people to purchase and carry these types of weapons without a permit. Gun-rights advocates say they are exercising their constitutional right to bear arms and protest; others who argue for more gun control say it could be a disaster waiting to happen.

Quarterly Firearm and Ammunition Excise Taxes up 43%

The National Shooting Sports Foundation reports that according to the most recent Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax Collection Report released last week by the Department of the Treasury, firearm and ammunition manufacturers paid more than $109.8 million in the first calendar quarter of 2009; up 43% over the same time period reported in 2008.

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. Reports Second Quarter Earnings

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE-RGR) announced last week that for the second quarter of 2009, the Company reported net sales of $72.4 million and earnings of 46¢ per share, compared with sales of $38.7 million and earnings of 5¢ per share in the second quarter of 2008.

Beretta’s June Commercial Pistol Sales Up 219%

Beretta U.S.A. Corp. announced outstanding June sales results last week.

Will Taurus Stay in Florida? Georgia Makes a Run at Company

The Miami-Herald has reported that the state of Georgia is offering free land, new buildings, and tax abatements to convince firearms maker Taurus USA to leave Florida.

New York DA’s Misinformed View of National Right to Carry

Robert M. Morgenthau, who has served as district attorney for New York county since 1975, wrote the Wall Street Journal prior to last week’s failed attempt to pass a national-right-to-carry bill in the Senate. It failed by two votes. We reprint Morgenthau’s comments in whole to show how elected officials twist and misrepresent the facts on concealed-carry laws to restrict gunowner’s rights.

NICS Checks Up 18.1 Percent in June

Data released by the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) reported 968,145 checks in June 2009, up 18.1 percent from the 819,891 reported in June 2008.

National Carry Reciprocity Vote Scheduled for Monday

The Gun Owners of America reported last week that Senators John Thune and David Vitter have sponsored S. 845, a bill that will establish concealed carry reciprocity in several states.

Taurus CIA .38 Special +P

For carry purposes, a short-barreled (snub-nosed) revolver has many welcome attributes, including ease of concealment, maneuverability, ease of presentation, and comfort. The short barrel makes the gun easy to hide and handle, and having smooth surfaces can help minimize incidental contact during carry that can irritate or scrape one's skin. One such gun is the .38 Special +P Taurus CIA, which has an enclosed hammer like the Centennials.

Smith & Wesson 625-8 (160935)

The basic 625 revolver was introduced in 1989, and has largely retained its basic design — it's a stainless-steel N-frame revolver with full-lug 5-inch barrel, adjustable sights and a tall plain Patridge blade up front. However, the input of competitive shooters and the rules under which they compete has reportedly fostered the arrival of the "dash-eight" model 625.

Louisville Church and Guns: Weapons O.K. at Service

The congregating arsenal was all perfectly legal as well as perfectly acceptable to the leaders of New Bethel, an Assemblies of God church in Louisville, Kentucky, that invited people to bring their unloaded guns to this first-ever event.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...