Concealed Carry

University of Kentucky Gun Owner Fired Over Gun in Car

( -- The University of Kentucky has fired a graduate student and former anesthesia technician, Michael Mitchell, for keeping a gun in his car a mile away from the university hospital where he was employed, according to the Gun Owners of America. The university then proceeded to try to deny Mitchell unemployment compensation by claiming, unsuccessfully, that he was fired for misconduct. A hearing officer found against the University of Kentucky and in favor of Mitchell.

Kahr Arms Pursues Patent Infringement Lawsuit

( -- Kahr Arms, the manufacturer of compact pistols based in Worcester, Mass, is engaged in a patent infringement lawsuit against Diamondback Firearms, LLC, the maker of compact .380 ACP and 9mm pistols based in Cocoa, Florida.

FNH-USA FNP-9 USG Flat Dark Earth (FDE) 9mm

This gun performed flawlessly with acceptable accuracy. It was comfortable to fire, with crisp controls, and it comes with three magazines. Two things we did not like: the bulky grip and poor sights. FN missed a chance to provide first-class sights on the new pistol.

NRA’s Outrage Of The Week: NJ Court Says Beaten Man Has “No Need” for...

( -- From NRA-ILA, this week’s “Outrage” comes from the Garden State, where insult has literally been added to injury for Mr. Jeffrey Muller. This outrage was precipitated by an incredible case of mistaken identity. According to a recent story on Star-Ledger Editorial Page, Jeffrey Muller—a pet store owner from Sussex County, New Jersey—happens to have the same name as an alleged New York power broker.

Gun News from Around the Web: Mar 28-Apr 3 aggregates important gun news of the week. Bookmark this page to check back often for new items added weekly, daily, or hourly, or on your Facebook page, search for '' and click 'Like' to get the newsfeed pushed to your computer, tablet, or mobile device.

Steyr Arms Introduces High-Cap C9-A1

( — Steyr Arms' new C9-A1 pistol is nearly identical in form and function to the M-A1 full-size series (17-round magazine) and the S-A1 compact series with its 3.6-inch barrel.

NRA Foundation receives 100th Anniversary Model 1911 from Colt Manufacturing

( – The NRA Foundation has accepted the donation of a unique Anniversary Model 1911 pistol from Colt’s Manufacturing Company that celebrates 100 years of the 1911.

Videos on!

( -- New Videos: 1: Sig Arms Academy Director of Training and USAR Team shooting coach George Harris talks about competition shooting. What good is competition? Competition puts stress on you and teaches you how to use stress to your advantage. 2: NSSF's Ryan Cleckner explains the measurement term 'minute of angle' (MOA) and how to use MOA adjustments on your scope for sighting in and to compensate for bullet drop at varying distances. 3: Ruger's Beginner's Guide to Shooting Competitions series takes you through a variety of matches to help you find an event that's right for you. In this episode we take a close look at the biathlon rifle and how it is specialized to this specific sport. US Ski Team member Annelies Cook tells you why the biathlon rifle is so very different than anything else on the market.

MasterPiece Arms Rolls Out .380 Premium Protector

( – MasterPiece Arms' new Protector Model, the MPA380P, is a US-manufactured conceal-carry pistol built on a machined 4140-stainless-steel lower receiver and upper slide.

Gun News from Around the Web: Feb 28, 2011 aggregates important gun news of the week. Bookmark this page to check back often for new items added weekly, daily, or hourly, or on your Facebook page, search for '' and click 'Like' to get the newsfeed pushed to your computer, tablet, or mobile device.

NRA-ILA List: National Anti-Gun Organizations, Celebrities, Businesses, and Journalists

( -- The following list, compiled by the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, documents which organizations have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations. In many instances, these organizations lent their name in support of specific campaigns to pass anti-gun legislation such as the March 1995 HCI 'Campaign to Protect Sane Gun Laws.' Many of these organizations were listed as 'Campaign Partners,' for having pledged to fight any efforts to repeal the Brady Act and the Clinton 'assault weapons' ban. All have officially endorsed anti-gun positions.

Taurus Introduces the Protector Polymer Revolver

( – The new Taurus Protector Polymer Series has a hybrid-polymer frame to make the revolver lightweight and easy to carry. MSRPs will range between $445 and $461.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...