CrossBreed HolstersOffers SuperSlide for 2012
Holster manufacturer CrossBreed Holsters, LLC has introduced a new OWB product for 2012, the SuperSlide.
Wilson Tac Offers Limited Collectionof Handmade Knives
In 2012, Wilson Tactical will offer a limited collection of handmade knives by some of today's premier tactical knife makers without the long wait typically associated with special ordering a custom-edged masterpiece.
Galco Underwraps Bellyband
The Galco Underwraps BellyBand is an elastic garment that can be worn low, just above the waistband, or high underneath the armpit. It resembles a heavyweight Ace bandage that secures with Velcro.
Glock G19 9mm, $646
Recently, the Gun Tests staff received a letter urging them to test more deep-concealment guns, claiming that they are the most popular gun of the day. Checking with one of the larger distributors (, confirmed that it is the subcompact and micro guns that are currently driving the market. In this test Gun Tests did not evaluate pocket guns, but they did shoot four compact pistols that in are just one step larger than the smallest model available from each manufacturer.One test gun the staff chose was the $646 Glock G19, the smaller brother of the G17, found on the hip of law enforcement worldwide. The Glock 19 gets little press, but remains popular.
Bersa Thunder HC Pro Pistolis Now Available
Eagle Imports, Inc., importers of the Bersa line of firearms, has introduced the new and improved Bersa Thunder High Capacity (HC) PRO Series.
Umarex USA Expands .45 caliberRegent Handgun Line
Umarex USA is expanding its line of .45 ACP handguns with the addition of the Regent Handgun Line.
Freedom Group Appoints Nardelli as CEO
Remington Arms Company and its parent, Freedom Group, Inc. (FGI), are pleased to announce that the board of directors has appointed Robert L. Nardelli as Chief Executive Officer.
New Bersa Thunder .380 Combat Updates Classic Bersa Design
Eagle Imports, Inc., importers of the Bersa line of firearms, has announced a new Bersa Thunder .380 Combat pistol.
Taurus Introduces 405 Revolver,445 Ultra-Lite Revolver
Taurus's new 405 Revolver is the company's first revolver chambered in 40 S&W. The new 445 Ultra-Lite Revolver is chambered in the popular 44 Special round and weighs only 22 ounces.
Sturm, Ruger AnnouncesNew Ruger SR22 Pistol
Sturm, Ruger's new Ruger SR22 pistol is a scaled-down version of a full-sized pistol suitable for plinking, target shooting and small game hunting.
Conceal carry permit applicationsswamp Wisconsin Department of Justice
In less than six weeks, 56,000 people applied for a permit under Wisconsin's new concealed carry law and thousands more bought handguns, swamping the state agency handling the required background checks, according to a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article.
Eagle Imports, Inc. AnnouncesBersa BP Concealed Carry 9mm
Eagle Imports, Inc., importers of the Bersa line of firearms, has announced Bersa’s first striker-fired, polymer pistol for the concealed carry market.