D.C. To Revisit Gun Law For Outsiders
A bill that would decriminalize gun and ammunition possession charges for some legal firearms owners from outside the city caught traveling through the District with their weapons goes before a D.C. Council committee Monday, according to the Washington Times.
Three Pocket Guns Compared from Kahr, Chiappa, and Springfield
Austin Miller, contributing editor for Gun Tests magazine and a contributor to GunReports.com, and video producer J.T. Woodard travel to Tactical Firearms in Katy, Texas, to begin testing a unusual trio of handguns for an upcoming issue of Gun Tests.
GunAuction to Watch: Springfield Armorys Model 1911 GI
If you’re looking for a good Cowboy Action “Wild Bunch” pistol or just a durable 45 ACP, Springfield Armory’s Model 1911 GI is worth a look. These are made to look and feel exactly like the classic WWII G.I. Colt 1911s.
Physics Prof Rebuffed Over Canceling Classes with “Carry” Students
University of Colorado Chancellor Phil DiStefano recently notified the Boulder campus faculty members -- in particular Professor Jerry Peterson, chairman of the Boulder Faculty Assembly -- that professors 'do not have the right to shut down a class or refuse to teach' should they learn that one of their students is lawfully carrying a gun under a concealed-carry permit.
KingTuk IWB Holster now accepts Glock pistols fitted with Viridian C Series lasers
Galco Gunleather’s KingTuk IWB holster now accepts Glock pistols with Viridian C Series lasers attached. This new KingTuk variant also includes built-in, patent-pending ECR technology which automatically activates the light/laser as the pistol is drawn.
Colorado University-Boulder allows guns in some family housing units
The University of Colorado will not allow students to bring guns into the Boulder campus dorms this fall, though residents who have concealed-carry permits will be allowed to keep weapons in a limited number of family housing units, school officials announced.
GunBroker Runs Springfield XD-S Giveaway
GunBroker.com is giving away a Springfield Armory XD-S to new and existing GunBroker.com registered users.
Thai Member of Parliament ‘accidentally kills secretary’ with UZI
Police in Thailand say that they will charge a member of the Thai parliament with causing death by negligence for accidentally shooting his secretary dead with a submachine gun, the BBC reports.
Oklahoma LE not meeting time limits for processing CCLs
Oklahoma law enforcement officials are running behind the time limit set in state law for processing concealed-carry licenses, and LE anticipates even more requests as a result of an upcoming change to allow the open carry of weapons.
Armed Utah citizen stops knife attack
Here is a video that didn’t get national coverage because a responsible, armed, trained citizen was present and took care of a threat immediately.
Georgia Church Gun Ban Upheld
An Atlanta federal appeals court has rejected a minister's argument that gun carriers have a constitutional right to bring sidearms to worship services. The ruling upholds Georgia's 2010 law that bans guns in churches, synagogues and mosques.
Oral Arguments Heard Today in NRA’s Fifth Circuit Appeal
Oral arguments occurred July 10 in the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in the case of Jennings v. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. In that case, the National Rifle Association is appealing a decision by a federal court in Texas which held that the Second Amendment doesn’t protect the right of young adults to buy firearms from federally licensed dealers.