Back-Boring Shotgun Barrels
The modern-day shotgunner is now waking up to the benefits of back-boring in certain sporting applications. This may be just the common cycle of the trend, or perhaps this feature has finally found a permanent place in our list of optional features for the shotgun bore. Both Remington and Browning now offer this feature in their target guns. This may fool some gun owners into thinking their trap guns are obsolete; indeed, many will trade in perfectly good and serviceable guns and barrels to obtain this "new" feature.
Silent Remote Switches for Tactical Flashlights
Powder Coating for Guns: Best Option?
Technically, browning and blueing are metal finishes, not coatings. They are both controlled oxidation processes employed to color the metal itself. Browning has been around longer than blueing, since about 1780, but blueing is the more popular finish. The bead-blasted or "satin" stainless-steel finishes have also gained popularity in recent years.
Redding Introduces Micro-Adjusting Taper Crimp Dies for 223 Rem/5.56 NATO and 308 Win/7.62 NATO
Replacing Missing Firing Pins
Don't give up if a replacement firing pin is unavailable from your catalog suppliers. Instead, use these tips to solve the problem.
Gunsite Academy Offers Crimson Trace Laser Course
SHOT Show 2014 Product Spotlight – ATN Corp.
SHOT Show 2014 Product Spotlight – Slide Fire Solutions
2014 SHOT Show Optics Introductions
Make Your Own Handgun Safety Lock
The child-proofing of guns is not just desirable, it's the law. Here are some effective, but inexpensive, locks you can make in your shop.