Tripods: We Test Boghunt, Two Vets, Leofoto, and Vortex Units
It is an accepted fact that the rifle shooter will be able to place his hits more accurately when using some type of supported position. That is, shooting off a bipod from a prone position is going to be infinitely better than standing offhand. As a result, we’ve learned to use bipods, bags, backpacks, shooting sticks, and more in our efforts to achieve stability with our long guns. The latest trend we’re seeing is the use of tripods for support in a variety of field positions and elevations. We see people using tripods made with conventional and inverted legs, Arca Swiss or Picatinny clamps and Hog Saddles, QD and screw-down clamps. Leg dimensions vary, as do the types of ball heads.
New Lawsuit Challenges Washington D.C. Magazine Ban
Shooting and Tactical Gloves: We Test Seven Sets Hand to Hand
An email from a subscriber suggested we take a look at shooting gloves, particularly gloves that protect your hands from harsh recoil. Shooting gloves offer protection from heat and cold as well as abrasions, and they can take the sting out of recoil. The question is, how much protection do you need? Shooting gloves typically offer less protection than tactical gloves, which provide knuckle and finger protection from abrasions and knocks.