New for 2008, Remington has introduced a family of products containing our new Moistureguard VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) technology, the ultimate protection system for your valuable outdoor gear.
Remingtons Moistureguard VCI/Oil Blend is the most scientifically advanced formula for lubricating and protecting metal surfaces and equipment from rust and corrosion.
Moistureguard Rem Oil
Moistureguard Grease
Moistureguard Rem Cloth
Moistureguard Gun Plugs
Moistureguard Super Safe Plugs
For further information on Remington Moistureguard products, please visit our web site at at or visit your local dealer.
Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...