U.S. Reps. Zack Space (D-Ohio) and Steve King (R-Iowa) have introduced the “Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act of 2007” (HR 4900), legislation which represents a major advance in protecting the rights of firearms dealers.
HR 4900 is a bipartisan bill that will overhaul many of the administrative penalties for licensed firearms dealers, manufacturers and importers of firearms that currently treat simple paperwork mistakes as purposeful and willful violations of the law. The legislation will also:

* Create a system to provide more flexibility in punishing those who violate gun sales laws.
* Establish a solid legal requirement for determining the willful violation of the law.
* Creates specific sentencing guidelines for dangerous felons convicted of a gun offense.
* Set limitations on the availability of electronic gun owner information to protect the privacy of law-abiding citizens.
* Ban the federal background check tax.
* Allow security companies and ammunition manufacturers to purchase machineguns for product testing and international security personnel training.
* Ease the restriction on the importation of replacement parts for military-style semiautomatic rifles.