Wyoming’s appeal in gun rights case rejected


A three-judge panel of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that a Wyoming law fails to expunge the criminal record of people convicted of domestic violence—which affects several dozen gun owners.

A 2004 Wyoming law allowed people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence to petition in state court to expunge their conviction and restore their gun rights.

Because of the law, BATFE had informed Wyoming that the federal government would no longer accept Wyoming concealed-weapons permits as a substitute for instant background checks for gun purchases.

Wyoming courts expunged 63 misdemeanor convictions from 2005 through last October.

The ruling means that if such people now have guns, they “may be viewed by federal authorities as being in violation of federal firearms law.” The BATF said Wyoming’s law could allow people to get a concealed weapons permit even though they wouldn’t qualify under federal standards.


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