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Compact 45 ACP’s: Taurus Wins in Compact Pistol Test

In the February 1995 issue, we tested a quartet of 45-caliber semi-autos, two of which had significant drawbacks, our shooters said. In this installment...

Taurus Model 605 Executive 2-605EX39 357 Magnum

Offering custom treatments on revolvers is a tradition among wheelgun manufacturers. In fact, Smith & Wesson, Ruger, and Taurus all produce custom-shop variants of...

Shot Timers: Kestrel, PACT Competition Electronics, and CED

Earlier this year, Gun Tests reader Matt W. requested a comparison of popular timers. We thought he had great insight about the value of...

Smith & Wesson Performance Center Pro Model 640 178044 357 Magnum

Offering custom treatments on revolvers is a tradition among wheelgun manufacturers. In fact, Smith & Wesson, Ruger, and Taurus all produce custom-shop variants of...

Ruger SP101 Match Champion 5782 357 Magnum

Offering custom treatments on revolvers is a tradition among wheelgun manufacturers. In fact, Smith & Wesson, Ruger, and Taurus all produce custom-shop variants of...

Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 2.0 13926 380 Auto

Pocket pistols and pocket carry are controversial for some shooters who think smaller handguns just aren’t enough in terms of capacity and presentation. One...

Ruger LCP Max 75th Anniversary Stainless 13775 380 Auto

Pocket pistols and pocket carry are controversial for some shooters who think smaller handguns just aren’t enough in terms of capacity and presentation. One...

30 Senators Demand ATF Begin Rescinding Unconstitutional Biden Rules Immediately

Thirty U.S. Senators have asked the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to immediately begin rescinding unlawful Biden-era rules that infringe on...

10 Best 380 ACP Pocket Pistols

Over the years, Gun Tests Magazine has reviewed dozens of concealable pistols chambered in 380 ACP. The smallest of these sidearms are the subcompact...

10 Best 357 Magnum Revolvers

Over the past few years, Gun Tests Magazine has reviewed more than 25 revolvers chambered in 357 Magnum. Of these handguns, here are the...

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...